An Introduction to the Magick of Divination

Discover the science and spiritual purpose behind fortune-telling

Emmarie Hodge
Mystic Minds


A woman holds tarot cards in front of her face
Photo by cottonbro from Pexels

The word divination normally brings to mind Harry Potter or other fantasy series, but fortune-telling is a real ability that anyone can learn. Some even make their living from it, like tarot readers.

There are many different techniques and tools you can use. However, before you get started, it helps to know what divination is exactly and how it works.

What Divination Really Is

Whether you’re a spiritual person or not, it’s easy to see that the universe appears to be following a plan. Now this plan could be the result of a sequence of events from cause and effect, but many believe that it’s divinely ordained by God or some other spiritual energy.

Regardless, divination is the method used to understand that divine plan not only in the present but also in the past and the future.

This means that a diviner can discover knowledge about the universe they wouldn’t be able to through natural means. And natural means in this circumstance are daily survival tasks.

Not only is astrology included in that definition, but so are astronomy, meteorology, and other “scientific” observations of the universe.



Emmarie Hodge
Mystic Minds

I write interactive tarot readings here on Medium 🔮 Check out me out elsewhere on the web: