Anulom Vilom Pranayama

Yogic Breathing Technique for Balance

C. L. Beard
Mystic Minds
5 min readAug 6, 2023


Photo by Jared Rice on Unsplash

The rhythmic breathing technique known as Anulom Vilom Pranayama has been passed down for thousands of years by yoga practitioners and teachers. Alternately breathing through each nostril, it is a powerful practice for calming the mind, reducing stress, and balancing your subtle energy channels.

Described in ancient yogic texts like the Hatha Yoga Pradipika, Anulom Vilom stems from traditional yoga philosophy and practice in India. Historical teachers like the Sikh guru Ram Singh Ji taught anatomical breathing exercises like Anulom Vilom to strengthen the body and mind.

In the 20th century, influential yoga teachers T. Krishnamacharya and B.K.S. Iyengar helped revive and popularize the practice worldwide. They incorporated pranayama techniques like Anulom Vilom as an integral part of yoga.

Today, Anulom Vilom remains a fundamental breathing practice taught in many schools of yoga. The alternating breath flow is known to reduce anxiety, improve focus, and energize the body. By linking breath with movement, it also enhances physical yoga postures.

What is Anuloma Viloma meaning?

The word “Anulom Vilom” is Sanskrit in origin. It is composed of two parts:

“Anulom” means “with the grain, natural order” and “Vilom” means “against the grain, reverse order”

Together, Anulom Vilom refers to the alternating pattern of breath regulation in this practice, with the grain/against the grain.

“Pranayama” is also a Sanskrit word meaning “breath control”. It comes from:

“Prana” means “life force, breath” and “Yama” means “to restrain, control”

So “Pranayama” refers to any practice that consciously regulates the breath.

Anulom Vilom is one of many pranayama techniques used in yoga and meditation practices that originated in India thousands of years ago. The early yoga text Hatha Yoga Pradipika describes this practice as cleansing the nadis (subtle energy channels) and balancing prana (vital energy).

The full Sanskrit name “Anulom Vilom Pranayama” describes the unique flowing, alternating breath pattern used to cultivate awareness and energetic balance. It continues to be a popular and beneficial breathing technique in yoga today.

Anulom Vilom is a particular form of breathing control called pranayama in yoga. Inhaler — The procedure requires the patient to close their eyes and breathe then the exhaler’s nostril. This process is reversed and repeated. Basically, this is an alternate breathing mode.

Pranayama is an effective breathing exercise for a good mental and physical state. Also, breathing is essential for acquiring oxygen through the atmosphere. Oxygen is a fundamental aspect of the plasm. However, they aim to detoxify the whole nervous system as well as the cellular system. This calms our brains and helps eliminate stress in our daily lives. Anioma Vilomasana pranayama is a yogic breathing technique. This is also an active conscious breathing exercise under

What are the benefits of Anuloma Viloma?

Anuloma Viloma is a breathing technique in yoga that involves inhaling and exhaling through alternating nostrils. It provides numerous benefits for the mind and body when practiced regularly.

One of the main benefits is that it helps calm the mind and nerves. Focusing on controlling the breath in a rhythmic, alternating pattern has a balancing and relaxing effect. Controlled breathing increases airflow to the lungs and brings more oxygen to the bloodstream, reducing stress and anxiety.

It also helps balance the right and left energy channels in the body. Alternate nostril breathing helps create equilibrium between the two sides of the brain and body. This enhances mental clarity, alertness, and coordination.

On a physiological level, Anuloma Viloma improves lung capacity and function. It increases air intake compared to normal breathing. Over time, practicing the technique can strengthen the diaphragm and intercostal muscles involved in breathing. This leads to improved respiratory health.

Regular practice also helps purify the nadis, or subtle energy channels of the pranamaya kosha, or energy body. Clearing these energetic pathways creates a sense of lightness and well-being. In these ways, Anuloma Viloma confers both mental and physical benefits..

What is Nadi Sodhan?

Nadi Sodhan uses breath breathing as an alternative to yoga. Nadis literal meaning implies subtle energy channels, whereas “Shodhan” implies cleansing a purified substance. According to ancient yoga, a number of “Nadis” call subtle energy channels can be accessed through various means. Using this technique, Nadi Shodhan Pranayama helps clear blocked energy channels.

Photo by Le Minh Phuong on Unsplash

What is the difference between Nadi Shodhana and Anuloma Viloma?

In Anulom Vilom air is expelled from the right nostril, then inhale from the right nostril, then from the left. Nadi Shodhan breathed from both nostrils held together and the right nostril expelled from both nostrils.

Nadi Shodhana and Anuloma Viloma are two pranayama (breathing control) techniques in yoga that involve alternating breathing between the left and right nostrils. In both practices, one closes off one nostril while inhaling, then closes off the other nostril while exhaling, switching back and forth between nostrils. The main difference between them is the hand position.

In Nadi Shodhana, you switch the hand used to close the nostrils with each breath, so the right hand closes the right nostril while inhaling and the left-hand closes the left nostril while exhaling. In Anuloma Viloma, you keep the same hand posture throughout, typically closing the right nostril with the right thumb and the left nostril with the second and third fingers. The hand position alternates along with the breath in Nadi Shodhana, but remains static in Anuloma Viloma. Both are effective breathing exercises with calming effects.

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C. L. Beard
Mystic Minds

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