Astrology: An Easy Guide to Understanding Your Rising Sign

We are more than our Sun and Moon signs

Kimberly Fosu
Mystic Minds
7 min readOct 21, 2020


Image by Quique from Pixabay

Astrology has proved a useful tool in learning and understanding ourselves and others. When we are asked what our zodiac sign is, we immediately think of our sun sign. But we all have many other signs too — Moon sign, Mercury sign, Mars sign, Venus sign, etc. which together makes us who we are.

Our Sun sign is who we really are. Our Moon is how we feel, but there is one other important aspect in our charts — our rising sign (which is also called the ascendant sign).

Our rising sign is who the world thinks we are.

What is the Rising Sign

The rising sign is the sign rising on the eastern horizon at the time of your birth. Your rising or ascendant sign is who people think you are. It is the first impression they have on you.

It is the mask one wears when meeting others. It shows our first natural reaction to new people and situations. For example:

My Sun sign is Pisces. People say, “Why is this Pisces girl so commanding and authoritative?” Well, that's because I have a Capricorn rising.

While the Sun was in Pisces at the time of my birth, Capricorn is the sign that was rising on the eastern horizon. If we are meeting for the first time, you might assume I am a Capricorn because of my serious outlook, but in real life, I am a soft and gentle Pisces with the optimistic heart of a Sagittarius, my Moon sign.

Your rising sign is the mask you wear out in public.

How to Find Your Rising Sign

To find your rising sign, you must first pull your natal/birth chart. Your birth chart is the snapshot of the skies at the time of your birth. To pull this chart, which also tells you where all the other planets were when you were born, you need to know your exact time of birth.

If you aren't sure the exact time you were born, you may need to ask your mother, father, or older siblings who may remember. Without an accurate time of birth, you will not know the sign that was rising when you were being born.

The Rising Signs


Aries Ascendants aren't aggressive like their sun sign counterparts. But they are direct, brave, independent, and opinionated. They have a very strong and commanding presence. Being the first sign, they are warriors and like to lead the pack. Their first instinct is to take action — they have no time to think. Aries rising charges forward and gets it done without planning ahead. These people are the first to get ready for the party. They are quick — they talk quickly, walk quickly, get ready quickly, and they also have a quick temper. They are very competitive and love a good challenge.


Although they don’t come on strong, they have a personal presence which can't be missed. They radiate stability. Taurus risings are often cautious and careful. Slow and steady wins the race. They are loyal to those they care about. They give off secure, dependable, and strong-willed vibes. They are often materialistic and enjoy the good things in life — good food, nice clothes, fancy cars, and wonderful massages. But they are very hardworking and have earned every bit of luxury.


Gemini ascendants are lifelong learners. They are very creative people with their minds filled with a thousand ideas. They approach life with a genuine sense of inquisitiveness. They are gifted with a natural sense of curiosity and desire to understand the world around them. They are intelligent and love to talk and ask lots of questions. Gemini rising people are friendly, sociable, they love to mingle and make lots of genuine connections. But they are often restless and impatient.


Cancer rising people are sweet, kind, and gentle. When threatened, their first instinct is to protect themselves. Because of their extreme sensitivity, they may withdraw and act very shy. Cancer ascendants are very loyal, warm, nurturing, and caring and are also quite approachable. They enjoy being at home and appreciate their friends and family. Cancer risings are the people other people go to with their problems because you know how to hold space for everyone.


Leo rising people cannot help but be noticed. They enjoy being the center of attention and are often the life of the party. They are very dramatic and people immediately notice when they walk into the room. You will find them with nicely done hair or bright sparkly jewelry that catches attention. Leo ascendants are fun, confident, and vibrant. They are extremely creative and express this creativity on their social media pages.


Virgo risings are very intelligent, organized, and dependable. They like things done in a certain way and are therefore very critical of themselves and others. They are somewhat shy and need time to analyze their surroundings before warming up to people and situations. This makes them come off as standoffish. Virgo ascendants tend to worry a lot, especially when confronted with challenges. They pay attention to even the smallest details. They know how to deal with things in order of importance.


Libra Ascendants come across as charming, nice, pleasant, and fair. Everybody loves them. They are social and enjoy being around people. They are always collaborating with others. They attract people to them effortlessly. Most of them have been in a lot of relationships in their lifetime. They don’t know what to do with themselves without a significant other. They are very indecisive because they want to make everyone happy.


Scorpio rising people have a lot of presence. They are very intense and their aura commands respect and sometimes fear. They are very powerful individuals. There is something about them that tells the world that they are not to be messed with. They are serious and determined in life and they value their privacy so much. Scorpio ascendants may come off as mysterious, quiet, and sensitive. This makes people want to know more about them or stay away from them.


The glass is always half full for Sagittarius risings. They are very restless, active people. They are always looking for the next big thing. Their world is filled with adventure, new experiences, and new people. They are hopeful and highly optimistic. They have an unmistakable faith and enthusiasm. They are fun to be around because they have a zest for life that is admiring. They have a teaching spirit and they are seekers of truth. They are opinionated, outspoken, and full of wisdom. They are also very blunt and will sugarcoat nothing.


There’s a seriousness to Capricorn rising people that is unmistakable. They want to be successful and strive for greatness, and they generally succeed! But make no mistakes, success never comes easy for Capricorn ascendants. They just make it look that way with hard work, patience, and dedication. They have tough childhoods, but they slowly turn their life around. They have a drive and ambition that makes them take on leadership positions. They are family people and they worry about their security and that of their families. They are strong, stable, dependable, and reliable.


Aquarius ascendants are unique and different. They feel this way throughout their life. They are often very intelligent and technology savvy. They have an interest in the sciences and metaphysics. They are curious and well- learned. Aquarius' risings are quite friendly and likable. They are the ones people turn to for advice because they are very knowledgeable. They are humanitarians, innovative, and very kind individuals, but they can be somewhat detached. They stand out and march to the beat of their own drum.


Pisces risings don't like to be forced. They enjoy going with the flow. They are sweet, dreamy, adorable, and very charming. They are sensitive, compassionate, and have a soft, gentle aura about them. They do not like to be labeled or put in one category because they are so mutable and change every day. Others are not always sure who they’ll meet from one day to the next with a Pisces rising person. They are creative, imaginative, and very intuitive. You can't get anything past a Pisces rising. They have their heads in the clouds and they enjoy being there. They are lovers of peace, but they can be very dangerous when provoked. They are known as the psychics of the zodiac and have a deep connection with other worlds.

Final Thoughts

Your rising sign is your “I want to be.” When you are asked, “Who do you want to become?” your answers will embody the description of your rising or ascendant sign. The ascendant is very important in the chart, and the happiest people on this earth are those who identify (without over-identifying) with their rising signs. It shows you who you rise from the ashes to become.

If you read the description of your rising sign but it does not match you, read the description of the preceding or the following sign.

What is your rising sign? Let me know in the comments below. Thanks for reading.



Kimberly Fosu
Mystic Minds

Spiritual life coach focused on spirituality, faith and inspiration. My new book "Who Am I?" is available on Amazon now.