Can You Manifest Your Fears?

When fear becomes your desire

Sanghamitra Moulik
Mystic Minds
4 min readJul 18, 2024


Image by HANSUAN FABREGAS from Pixabay

I was infected with a fear that was instilled in me by my mother.

Mother had endured a series of miserable experiences in the past of losing precious possessions or having things stolen. She lost her jewelry in a house theft, faced monetary losses in a land dispute, and had her money stolen numerous times. So with time, this became a deep-seated part of her core belief.

She lived in a constant fear of theft. So when I left home for college she warned me to be extremely careful with my belongings. But unlike my mother, I was a more trusting person. However, little did I know that I was subconsciously projecting her programming.

This fear surfaced in numerous situations, becoming a seemingly normal part of my existence. Don’t get me wrong, I am not blaming her in any way — I understand that it was an unconscious fear that she had and she inadvertently projected it onto me.

The ordeal started with my kleptomaniac roommate. She stole numerous things from me. But it was not just me she stole from, she pilfered from the entire hostel. Another time my second roommate stole my wallet, which was especially painful because I had worked incredibly hard at a part-time job to earn the money in it.

In yet another instance, a couple of years later, much after college when I had delved into spirituality and believed that I had healed my fears finally, I unfortunately manifested it over again. It happened shortly after I returned to the city where I work, following a visit home.

At that time, my mother again lost a considerable amount of money from her wallet and no one knew how or who had taken it. At this point, my fear of losing things was at an obnoxiously high level. I was vibrating at this frequency. Though a part of me was aware of it, I just couldn’t help but feel this fear. And, quite naturally, it manifested.

My best friend and I went to purchase a few beverages for a soirée. As we were booking our ride back home, it started to rain. We decided to stand at the shop’s entrance, waiting for the rain to subside, and placed our shopping packet on the floor right next to us. A delivery boy on a motorbike entered the shop to buy something, and on his way out, he slyly slipped our packet from under our noses and drove off. By the time we realized we had been robbed, he was long gone.

The ordeal didn’t end there. Recently, in fact, while writing this article, my triggers were triggered again! I’m excluding the details because the wound is still fresh and utterly enraging, I was the victim of a scam where I lost a substantial amount of money.

Image by JL G from Pixabay

Manifestation which is the last leg in creation is based on one fundamental aspect — “the belief”. You are who you are because you believe in that version of yourself. You are the manifested consciousness in human form but your essence isn’t just your light, it’s your shadows too.

All those unsolved childhood issues, the ingrained parental & societal conditioning, and your struggles with self-belief & self-judgment are not lost. Instead, they lurk in the deepest, darkest recesses of your subconscious, forming neural pathways that subliminally control your whole identity.

Some of these negative beliefs have embedded so deep into your psyche that they now dictate your core identity. The less aware you are of their presence, the more powerfully they dictate your thoughts and actions.

And when you operate from that place of unawareness, you manifest your negative beliefs as though they are an extension of you.

If you’re aware of the law of attraction, you know you can manifest anything that matches your vibrational frequency!

The 3D world acts like a spiritual mirror, akin to a three-dimensional cube but instead of your ulterior image, imagine a reflection of your inner world on it.

Your external reality manifests from your internal spiritual reality similar to how classical physics reflects quantum mechanics on a broader scale. But unlike their unresolved relationship conundrum, your inner & outer worlds are clearly intimately intertwined.

After all, your thoughts shape your beliefs, your beliefs influence your emotions, and your emotions drive your actions — potentially reinforcing the outcomes that align with your beliefs.

So we can indeed manifest our fears.

Fear manifests easily because it encounters no resistance. My fear was so deeply instilled in me that I began to expect it to happen.

In a way, my fear became my desire.



Sanghamitra Moulik
Mystic Minds

Psychologist & writer attempting to decipher the world through the lens of psychology, spirituality & by deconstructing the nature of reality.