Do You Manifest Your Intrusive Thoughts?

Can you accidentally bring your fears to life?

Ethereal Being
Mystic Minds


Photo by Russell Ferrer on Unsplash

Have you ever been having such a great day and suddenly a thought pops in your head that completely ruins your mood and even creates some fear within you? These are called intrusive thoughts and everyone has them to a certain degree.

If you have anxiety, you might find that intrusive thoughts are a huge part of your everyday life and can be so convincing that it makes you feel like your reality is just as bad as your mind makes it seem.

When meditating, sometimes your mind might wander and these intrusive thoughts can be brought to light. Even when saying affirmations your intrusive thoughts might tell you the exact opposite of what the affirmation is saying.

So the question is since these intrusive thoughts are always in our heads and pop up at the most inconvenient times, do we manifest them by accident?

Let’s say you’re doing a meditation for manifesting good health and suddenly your intrusive thoughts attack you and try to convince…

