
Do You See Numbers Like 222 and 555?

I keep seeing them, and here’s what they mean to me.

Emily Jennings
Mystic Minds
Published in
6 min readAug 12, 2021


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I used to think that “angel numbers” were a ridiculous notion. The idea that an angel would communicate with a person using repeated numbers to get their attention was preposterous to me. Preposterous!

I say this for the skeptics who inevitably find my stories like this one and write responses about how dumb I am for believing that there’s any meaning in anything. I used to be you, sir. I was standing exactly where you are — once upon a time.

Now, I’m the one writing stories about synchronicities. Who would have guessed?

I changed my mind. I’m a believer now after what I’ve been through in the past several months. I’ve experienced things that you may not believe. Yes, the universe is loving, meaningful, and it wants to help you on your path.

For me, unusually intense experiences of repeated numbers began to manifest, to the point that I could no longer ignore them. The number 555 was everywhere. Literally everywhere. Clocks, price tags, phone numbers, license plates…I couldn’t escape it. I had no choice but to pay attention.

After experiencing so many 555’s, I finally became curious enough to look up the term “angel…



Emily Jennings
Mystic Minds

I am here to confirm you're not crazy. Your life has meaning and nothing is an accident. | IG: @wellness_oneness |