Don’t Suppress Your Shadow Parts; Amplify Them

How to invoke the gods and goddesses within

Lisa Marie Rankin
Mystic Minds


Author’s ProCanva account.

“I feel forsaken and abandoned. All I want to do is paint white canvases black. Again, I am forced to walk through life alone,” I prepare to text my partner.

He’s been away over Thanksgiving to visit his family. And even though I just saw him a few days ago, I can’t help but feel like I’ve been long forgotten.

While my adult self knows that this is ridiculous, there is a part of me, we could say my inner child, or I prefer the wounded maiden, who needs reassurance, validation, and promises of everlasting love.

In the past, I would suppress this part of me. “Get over it, Lisa. He’s visiting his family. Go distract yourself with something.” I would push all of my insecurities deep inside and grit my teeth, anxiety bubbling forth as my feelings went unattended and unacknowledged.

Or sometimes, I would write a snarky text, “Out of sight, out of mind, I guess. Maybe this relationship just isn’t that important to you.” That one was a real intimacy builder!

This time, however, I wanted to give the wounded maiden her opportunity to shine. I decided to go all in with the drama. I considered my feelings of abandonment and added even more juice to it. I began to have fun with…



Lisa Marie Rankin
Mystic Minds

Heal your body and enliven your spirit through Divine Feminine practices and principles to thrive in all realms of life.