Everything You Want Exists in Quantum Realm

How consciousness and energy can manifest your desires

Mystic Minds
5 min readApr 5, 2023


Photo by Jr Korpa on Unsplash

The world we live in is not as certain as we once thought it was.

In fact, according to Dr. Joe Dispenza, everything we want and desire exists in the quantum realm. This may sound like a far-fetched idea, but the principles of quantum physics are proving to be more and more relevant in our understanding of reality.

Classical physics is based on matter that can be seen and observed, and that follows predictable patterns. However, when we go smaller and smaller, we reach the subatomic level, where further subdivision seems impossible for modern science.

At this level, matter collapses into energy — the smallest particle dissolves into just energy. This means that if you can influence energy, you can change matter and reality.

This energy is everywhere, permeating throughout the universe. In fact, most of the universe — about 95 percent — is made up of this energy.

It is invisible and dissolves into mathematical probabilities unless an observer is observing it. This means that nothing physical exists until an observer starts to observe it. This is known as the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle.

According to Dr. Joe Dispenza, what we know about the fixed movement of electrons around the nucleus is not true in quantum physics. Electrons have very unpredictable movements and appearance patterns. They respond to the observer and appear when observed. So, why do you need to have this physics lecture to understand manifestation and deliberate creation?

The point is that the unified field or quantum realm is made up of only energy. This non-physical energy can be molded into whatever the observer desires.

The reason most people do not change or have better circumstances in their lives is because they are running on old programming of the past.

A man who is broke goes to sleep thinking and accepting that tomorrow he will wake up broke again. In his consciousness, only lack of money exists. Therefore, this is what he materializes from the quantum field.

Your reality only materializes when you observe it, and not just observe it, but feel it.

This is why just repeating affirmations and not actually resonating with them makes no difference. You must deliberately introduce the consciousness of your future in order to bring it into your reality. Living from the past by the aid of your memory and your five senses will change nothing, because they will continue to give you the same operating patterns. Hence, you keep on materializing the same reality.

Dr. Joe Dispenza puts emphasis on embracing the unknown. That is, being okay with not knowing how you will be able to get out of your current situation. That’s not your job. All you have to do is dwell in the future as though it is a present fact. This is where the old school teachings of Neville Goddard are validated and proved by Dr. Joe Dispenza.

You must imagine feelingly with your heart the condition that you want in your life. You must make an imaginary act so real and sensory that when you come out of it, you know that it is going to happen because you have already lived it in your mind.

Dr. Joe Dispenza puts emphasis on elevated emotions like love, joy, inspiration, and gratitude to be felt during your imaginal acts. These elevated emotions raise your vibration so high that you begin to be more energy than matter.

The elevated emotions vibrate more coherently and on much higher frequencies, while survival emotions like anger, guilt, and stress vibrate on lower frequencies in a very erratic manner. Therefore, elevated emotions behave more like energy, while survival emotions make you more like matter.

As you become more energy, you start to become one with the unified field.

Therefore, you are in a position to influence matter and manifest any desire that you want. Simply play your imaginal act in your mind in deep meditation again The idea that our thoughts and emotions can have a powerful impact on the physical world is not a new concept.

From ancient spiritual practices to modern-day quantum physics, the notion that we can influence the world around us with our consciousness has been explored and debated for centuries.

When we focus our attention on a particular outcome, we create a field of energy around us that aligns with that outcome. This energy, in turn, attracts more of the same energy, eventually leading to the physical manifestation of our desires.

But how do we tap into this energy and create the reality we desire? it all starts with the power of the mind.

Through deep meditation and visualization, we can train our minds to focus on the outcome we desire, rather than the limitations and obstacles that stand in our way. By doing so, we create a new reality in our minds, one in which we have already achieved our goal.

This “imaginal act,” as Dispenza calls it, is the key to manifesting our desires. By seeing ourselves in the reality we desire, and feeling the emotions that come with that reality, we create a field of energy around us that attracts that reality to us.

Of course, this is easier said than done. It takes practice and discipline to train our minds to focus on the outcome we desire, rather than the limitations and obstacles that stand in our way. It also takes patience and trust in the process, knowing that the universe will deliver our desires when the time is right.

But the rewards of this practice can be life-changing. By learning to tap into the infinite potential of the universe, we can manifest our desires, achieve our goals, and live the life we truly want.

It’s important to remember that the power of the mind is just one piece of the puzzle. We also need to take action in the physical world to bring our desires to fruition. But by combining the power of our thoughts and emotions with purposeful action, we can create the life we truly want.



Mystic Minds

I am a writer and storyteller, writing about life, self-actualization, and work.