For the Love of Money and the Money of Love
A spiritual look at money and abundance
“The key to abundance is meeting limited circumstances with unlimited thoughts.” ~ Marianne Williamson
The love of money is what? The root of all evil.
Or so the Bible tells us in 1 Timothy 6:10.
Certainly, we can think of at least one or two people rolling in the dough we might think this applies to. Greed is listed as one of the seven deadly sins.
So we get the top one percent owning everything there is to own and appearing to rule the world? Is God sleeping on the job?
I can’t speak for God, but maybe we’re sleeping on the job. So to speak.
What the heck do I mean by that?
Let me start by talking about money. IMHO we judge and blame money for the evil some folks do with it.
Since money’s used to buy politicians and control the government, support the military-industrial complex by waging wars and killing innocent people, including children, and invest in development schemes that rape and pillage the environment, we tend to poo-poo money.
But these things are not money’s fault.