Give Me Jesus Straight Up

Meaning His original teachings, not Christian doctrine or dogma

Marilyn Flower
Mystic Minds


We need a speaker at my church and we’re considering Director Linda Gallagher, who teaches at a place called The Freedom Center. One of our congregants loves her and made the suggestion.

But lo and behold, her website mentions Jesus. For some of us, that’s a deal breaker. We’re not Christians. We’re metaphysicians.

“If she comes in here talking about Jesus,” they say, “she’ll turn people off. And we’re hurting for people as it is.”


Because, for my money, Jesus was a metaphysician of the highest order. And he certainly was not a Christian.

If he returned today, he’d be appalled at what’s been done in his name. Especially the wars fought and hatred fomented.

I went online to The Freedom Center where Ms. Gallagher teaches. I scrolled around the website to see what I could find.

There were three inspirational readings, one of which referred to Jesus quite a bit. Which is what my friend loves about this place. And what will turn off others, including most of our worship team.

Why the knee-jerk reaction?



Marilyn Flower
Mystic Minds

Writer, sacred fool, improviser, avid reader, novel forthcoming, soul collage facilitator, prayer warrior and did I say writer?