How To Connect With Your Ancestral Guides

Try guided meditation

Mystic Minds


Image by Stefan Keller from Pixabay

While getting ready for the day with sunscreen, eye drops, and lotion, I usually listen to a guided meditation, channeled message, or personal development podcast.

But last Tuesday, as I turned up the thermostat in the bathroom to make it feel like a sauna, a new meditation revealed itself via YouTube, a Guided Shamanic Journey to the Akashic Field: Connect With Your Spirit Guides.

This is going to be good, I thought, and even though I had to leave to pick up my son in 15 short minutes, I couldn’t resist listening to the rhythmic drums while briefly visiting the quiet, lush forests of the other world to commune with my ancestral spirit guides.

It was a fast descent.

My heart started to drum in rhythm with the shamanic ritual, and as I heard the words, “You are standing in an ancient forest,” I realized that I was going there quickly — maybe too quickly! “Stay in your body, stay in your body,” I repeated silently to myself.

Then, like a whisper of wind on a peaceful summer day, I felt a presence and instantly knew who it was, Elkanah, my great-great-grandfather. “Elkanah, hello, old friend,” I said. A loud “pop” in the kitchen, echoed this sentiment, and wouldn’t you know it, another light bulb blew out of the…



Mystic Minds

Writer and editor with a background in animal behavior, journalism, philosophy, psychology & spirituality.