How to Know If You’ve Ascended Into the 5th Dimension

You wish the best for all of humanity

Erin M.
Mystic Minds
Published in
3 min readDec 14, 2021


A gorgeous, beautiful angel in a blinding white dress ascending into the heavens.
Image by janbaby from pixabay.com

Are you ready for the great shift?

There is a shift taking place in the cosmos… the effects of which can be strongly felt in the atmosphere. It is a positive shift that is ushering in new, good, and fresh energy. The…



Erin M.
Mystic Minds

I specialize in spiritual and self-help content. I am also a blogger @https://impartedwisdom.com. Email: elmix39@ gmail.com/Support Ko-fi: Ko-fi.com/erinm8557