How to Perform Bibliomancy

An ancient, yet simple, method of divination requiring only one object — a book

Kai M
Mystic Minds


Illustration by me

Bibliomancy is a form of divination where you use the pages and passages from a book to attain spiritual knowledge or guidance. It is an ancient method of divination, dating back to as early as 2 BC with Jewish scholars using the Torah. It has also been used in Chinese culture with the I Ching.

Choosing the right book:

Bibliomancy is an extremely easy form of divination, requiring only one object: a book. However, not just any book can be used. To successfully perform bibliomancy, you need to use a book that you have some significant spiritual connection with. It is common for religious people to use holy texts such as the Bible, Quran, Torah, or the Bhagavad Gita. However, you do not need to be religious to engage in bibliomancy, and realistically any text can be used so long as you have formed a connection to it. For instance, people regularly choose books like Homer’s Odyssey, Moby Dick, or even books from the Harry Potter series.

Like with tarot cards, forming a bond, or connection, with your book is important if you want accurate readings. One way of doing this is to read your book of choice. In fact, the best books for bibliomancy are ones that you genuinely like and…

