How Your Saturn Return Impacts Your Life

What does it mean for Saturn to “return”?

Mystic Minds


Photo by Planet Volumes on Unsplash

What is a Saturn Return and When is Mine?

Your Saturn Return is when Saturn transits the same zodiac sign that it was in at the time of your birth. Saturn takes about 28-29 years to orbit the sun, which means it spends around two and a half years in each zodiac sign.

During your Saturn Return, Saturn the planet is moving back toward and into exact conjunction with the position of your natal Saturn — the point in the sky Saturn occupied at the time of your birth.

If you complete your natal chart, Saturn shows up on the wheel within a sign of the zodiac, at a certain degree of that sign, and within a specific house. When Saturn reaches that position again (usually you’re 27-29 years old) this is your Saturn Return. Even if your natal Saturn is at, say, 23 degrees of Pisces, you’re likely to feel the effects of Saturn’s transit for as long as Saturn is in Pisces, at any degree, not only when it’s in exact conjunction with your natal Saturn.

Why Does Saturn Matter?

In astrology, the sky, the planets, and their interactions are a macrocosm to chart in order to make meaning of our individual lives as a microcosm that is directly affected by the…



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