I Discovered The Wisdom of the I Ching While Eating a Curry

And I learned about Hexagram 9, The Taming Power of Small, Johnny Depp, and Damien Echols

Don Johnson
Mystic Minds


Photo by Jayanth Muppaneni on Unsplash

I haven't written much lately—I've been working on my book launch and some consulting work. Yet, there's a yearning inside me to write. But I don't want to crank out dull, repetitive, let-me-go-for-the-claps-and-views junk.

I want to feel my heart, be moved, and write something I care about that makes me feel my humanness. If I can feel my heart, maybe I'll be able to touch someone else's, too.

And, if what I do touches one person's heart, that would make my day.

Last night, I sat down for dinner—a curry with cauliflower, potato, and baked chunks of tofu in a spiced-up tomato coconut milk sauce. The curry was rich with cumin and black mustard seeds, coriander powder, curry powder, cardamon, a pinch of cinnamon, and lemon juice. Basmati rice and freshly made coriander coconut chutney on the side.

I sipped on a small glass of pinotage wine from South Africa. A single candle burned softly in the center of the table, the purple wax dripping slowly. My iPad sat to my left. The house was quiet.

I tapped the iPad screen and pulled up a newsletter from my friend Michael



Don Johnson
Mystic Minds

Author | Meditation Teacher | Advocate for Kindness, Respect & Freedom | Human Potential Coach | Connect with me here: www.bemoreconscious.com