I Escaped My Abusive Spouse and Then I Had an Awakening

I’ve learned that everything happened to help me learn and grow

Emily Jennings
Mystic Minds


Photo by 张 嘴 on Unsplash

The abuse had gone on too long, but I hadn’t fully received the messages that had been sent by the universe, so I was thrown into the pain over and over. I hadn’t learned the lesson that was meant to be learned yet. I was in despair until I could take no more.

I was depressed, nearly suicidal, backed into a dark corner. And I saw the smile on his face. He was deriving pleasure from my pain.

I called attention to it, and he refused to acknowledge it, threatening to leave me. So I allowed it. I allowed him to leave us alone.

The shred of remaining self-respect that I had took hold of me and forced myself out, with my four-year-old daughter, to start a new life. I cut ties.

Hard as it was to walk away from the life we’d built, the plans I had for the future, and the love I had for him despite his cruelty, it was obvious that it had to go forward.

Leaving an abusive relationship was like coming up for a breath of fresh air when I’d been suffocating for years.

A New Reality



Emily Jennings
Mystic Minds

I am here to confirm you're not crazy. Your life has meaning and nothing is an accident. | IG: @wellness_oneness | www.wellnessoneness.com