I Experienced Something That Changed My Entire Life

Meditation and the road to spiritual Transformation

Grace Being
Mystic Minds


Photo by Savanna Goldring from Pexels

Meditation and spirituality are often associated together, perhaps because the practice of meditation emerged from Buddhism, and is also practiced in other religions. However, for many people, meditation and spirituality have nothing to do with each other. Take me for example, I got into meditation when my therapist introduced me to it. I was going through a very difficult time so he suggested it to help me deal with my emotions, anxiety, and negative thoughts.

I was quite skeptical about it. I felt stupid closing my eyes for 10 minutes, listening to myself in my head saying that I cannot do it. At the end of the session, I did feel extremely relieved, so I started reading what science says about the benefits of meditation. Being the atheist that I was back then, I needed scientific facts of how and why meditation is beneficial.

I learned that there are many different benefits of meditation so I got encouraged to continue practicing it, and I started doing it on my own a few times a week as I found it calming. Initially, I didn’t really see any difference, but during the sessions with my therapist, I became aware of certain hidden core beliefs which were holding me back from fulfilling my life purpose.

Enhancing my self-awareness helped me deal with unresolved issues and emotional pain. The more I practiced, I realized that I started having more clarity with a heightened sense of intuition. I was happy that I had finally learned a technique to help me ground myself and reduce my anxiety, it cultivated a sense of calmness and inner peace.

Up until then, I thought meditation was just that until I experienced something that changed my entire life.

It was a nice sunny day so I went to the beach after work. I was completely alone so I started meditating and after a couple of minutes, an explosion of love from the core of my being flourished through every cell of my body. I felt a great appreciation for my body working for me to keep me alive, and for life itself.

I recognized a greater intelligence within me, an intelligent love that was keeping my body alive without me thinking about it. I was in a pure state of bliss crying with joy. It was overwhelmingly beautiful, I felt like a fountain overflowing with love and I couldn’t continue meditating.

At the time, I didn’t know what had just happened. I tried to look it up online but I couldn’t find much information about it.

I am truly grateful that this experience repeated itself a few times and it was the best feeling I ever had, beyond words can explain. I started changing and became less interested in causal talk, and felt like I needed to stay alone and contemplate about life.

From the moment the Light touched me, nothing else mattered and I was on a quest to find out more about these blissful experiences. So I want to share with you what I have learned about meditation and spirituality.

What is spiritual meditation about?

During meditation, you focus on your breath or a repeated word or phrase (mantra). When you catch yourself getting distracted by thoughts, bring your attention back to your breath flow or mantra. With meditation, you train yourself to still your mind and silence the internal mental clutter that veils over the depths of who you are.

Meditation is the same as learning another skill, the more you practice it, the better you get, and you start enjoying the process. Practicing meditation enhances your self-awareness and can shift your perception. You create space between the self and the mind it becomes easier to detach from your thoughts. With mindfulness, you realize that you are not your thoughts, and you are not your mind. So who is listening?

How can spiritual meditation transform you?

As you become the observer of your thoughts, instead of getting carried away by them, you realize that Consciousness itself is observing the thoughts. Spiritual meditation helps you become in touch with your true essence and connect to your soul. You shed all the false beliefs you had of yourself and your world.

You learn how to embrace the present moment and that there is nothing else but the present moment.

To embrace the present moment requires being comfortable with the unknown. You surrender the need to control your life, which we all know is mentally draining. When you connect with your true essence, you enter into a state of pure joy and inner peace, and a feeling of love and light warms up your entire being.

How can this spiritual journey help me throughout my life?

Spiritual meditation can be beneficial particularly when it comes to dealing with negative thoughts, anxiety, and uncomfortable feelings. When we are not fully identified with our thoughts, we find it easier to take control of our emotions.

By meditation, we can become aware of unconscious aspects of our personality. Psychiatrist Carl Jung defined this as the shadow, the dark aspect of our psyche. Our shadow can be destructive when repressed and kept in the darkness. When we shed light by bringing these aspects to our conscious mind, we can work with them and free ourselves.

This process can be quite challenging. It feels uncomfortable as the mind resists this change and because its job is to protect you from any potential threats to your emotional wellbeing.

Spiritual meditation helps in this process as you become less reactive and impulsive. You learn how to still your mind, be less impulsive, and strengthen your sense of discipline.

As you learn how to slow down and focus within, you can become aware of your true essence. It helps you disconnect from the hectic noisy society and listen to what your body is telling you.

Image by Roger YI on Pixabay

How meditation can lead to spiritual awakening

The practice of meditation emerged from the Buddha’s insights about the nature of existence, the causes of suffering, and inner peace.

Meditation is also practiced by other religions beyond Asian countries. Mindful meditation can lead to deep inner wisdom and spiritual awakening.

Spiritual awakening happens when we stop seeing the world and ourselves through our ego. You feel like you’ve just woken up from a dream and find yourself in a new reality.

What can you expect if you go through a spiritual awakening?

A spiritual awakening can be a confusing time as you experience dramatic changes in your life. However, it comes with great benefits as it strengthens your sense of intuition and feels a sense of oneness with the universe. You feel connected to all beings.

All of a sudden, you find yourself trusting in the universe even when it sounds a bit illogical. You might lose interest in the materialistic things of this world and you start contemplating life and seeking answers. It might lead to drastic changes in your life, like quitting your job, losing friends, or ending a relationship.

When love touches the core of your being, you feel that you must share this amazing new perception of reality with everyone.

A spiritual awakening is a liberating experience and a continuous journey of growth and learning. It unfolds the magic that lies under our own eyes.



Grace Being
Mystic Minds

Spiritual seeker, emotional alchemist, & Jung enthusiast. A curious soul, forever learning the mysteries of the cosmos & the Self.