If We Truly Want To Heal, We Need To Get Into The Body

That’s where the true wisdom lies

Patrícia Williams
Mystic Minds


Photo by Lê Tân on Unsplash

I’ve spent the last three years neglecting my body.

I was so focused on the emotional aspect of my healing journey, moving through layers of trauma and conditioning, that I convinced myself I didn’t have time to take care of my body’s needs, or that it wasn’t a priority compared to everything else I was dealing with.

It makes sense — emotional healing demands a tremendous amount of energy. Processing trauma and delving into the depths of our psyche is not exactly easy, and sometimes, our nervous system becomes overwhelmed and doesn’t know how to cope.

But as I continued to neglect my body, I started noticing subtle yet undeniable signs that something was amiss. I felt more fatigued than usual, began gaining weight, and my overall sense of well-being deteriorated. It was as if my body was sending out distress signals, pleading for attention that I was too preoccupied to give.

It was very clear my approach to healing was not fully working. It was very clear that something needed to change.

We’re all too familiar with the relentless pace of modern life, where our well-being often takes a backseat to the demands of daily existence. We juggle countless responsibilities…



Patrícia Williams
Mystic Minds

Sharing my healing & awakening journey, to hopefully help you feel a little less alone on yours ✧ https://linktr.ee/patriciaswilliams