If You Hate The World, You’re Probably Spiritually Bypassing

This knowledge was never taught all at once. For this precise reason

Rami Dhanoa
Mystic Minds


Photo by Stephanie Greene on Unsplash

When I mention to someone that I have a deep aversion to the modern world, they usually respond with the same sort of lecture.

‘All our problems are within!’

It’s like being slapped in the face when you’re starving for support. Although, at a deeper level, they are right.

Call it what you will — karma, bad habits, or wrong worldview —humans see reality the way they’ve gotten used to seeing it. Definitely not the way it is.

But what happens when you take one set of delusions, and multiply it by 7.9 billion (and counting)?

You get a mess of confusion.

A global economy based on greed & competition instead of compassion & cooperation. You get social norms that hinder conscious awakening, not help it!

We are socially conditioned into thinking that we are our bodies and minds, strung together with the identity that our names represent.

But our bodies aren’t ‘us.’

They’re literally just genetic material from our parents plus all the food we’ve ever eaten.



Rami Dhanoa
Mystic Minds

Re-thinking human potential with meditation & Indic philosophy.