I’m Finally Coming Out of The Spiritual Closet

And it feels like a weight has lifted off my shoulders

Patrícia Williams
Mystic Minds


Photo by Marcos Paulo Prado on Unsplash

For as long as I can remember, I’ve been hiding a huge part of myself.

Not the kind of secret that feels dark and shameful — more like a light I kept turning off out of fear that someone might notice it shining. A light that I didn’t want others to see because I didn’t want my friends and family to think I was weird, crazy, or “too out there”.

So, I kept it hidden — smiling and nodding along, while a whole part of me stayed locked away.

I believe this is something we’re all programmed to do. We live in a society that pushes us to fit in, to conform, to keep things surface-level. We’re encouraged to be logical, to be rational, to ignore those inner nudges that don’t line up with what’s deemed “normal”.

I’ve been doing that my whole life — performing, pretending, suppressing. I’ve played by the rules, followed the script, and kept my true self in the shadows because it felt safer. But all the while, that part of me was restless, waiting for a chance to break free from the confines I’d set.

Now, I’m letting it shine and come to the forefront where it belongs.



Patrícia Williams
Mystic Minds

Sharing my healing & awakening journey to make you feel a little less alone on yours ✧ https://linktr.ee/patriciaswilliams