My Phone Addiction Is Getting Scary- How I’m Ditching Screen Time

Why you need to worry about long screen time

Jessey Anthony
Mystic Minds


How to Break Addiction to Phone Easily
Image by Freepik

I’ve become so attached to my cell phone that it’s now part of every aspect of my life — school, work, family, socializing, and entertainment.

But I’ve started to wonder how cell phones are bad for my health and where the line falls between healthy use and overuse.

Many studies support the fact that unhealthy phone use puts our waistline at risk.

A recent study by a team from the University of Wollongong’s School of Health and Society looked into smartphone addiction and health impacts, and the findings gave me something to think about.

In fact, a study conducted by Columbia University found that students who used the phone for more than six hours at a time were 43% more likely to become obese and prone to other related unhealthy practices.

Using phones for real work, real conversations, and avoiding the trap of seeking digital rewards can improve your job and health.

So to control my smartphone addiction, I began by setting up a social media calendar.

The problem here is that we are often tired when we finally get to the mall or have to

