My Spirit Guide Gives Me a Spiritual Explanation of Sleep Paralysis

Why do we see things during sleep paralysis?

Ethereal Being
Mystic Minds


Image by Stefan Keller from Pixabay

Sleep paralysis is absolutely terrifying. I remember a couple of years ago when my anxiety was at an all-time high, I would get sleep paralysis about twice a week.

If you’ve never had sleep paralysis before, allow me to explain how terrifying it feels.

Imagine you’re sleeping like usual and then your alarm goes off, waking you up. You try to turn off your alarm only to realize, you can’t move. You can see and hear everything, yet you can’t move anything. Next thing you know your seeing…things — really creepy things.

I’m sure you’ve heard the term “sleep paralysis demon” before and that’s because some people see some terrifying stuff while in this state.

A very common thing I saw when I was in that paralyzed state was a black figure that would stick its head in and out of the doorway of my room.

Now listen, I preach a lot on my page about how we’re all divinely protected and that nothing can hurt you if you recognize the fact that you’re protected — but that doesn’t stop me from getting scared once in a while.

For those of you that would like to get a better understanding of sleep paralysis, feel free to

