No Blueprint for Spiritual Growth Is Best

A beautiful variation exists in all of our journeys

Elisabeth Luna
Mystic Minds
6 min readJan 31, 2024


Photo by Ashley Batz on Unsplash

At the onset of my spiritual development, I looked online like most of us do when experiencing something new. A basic Google search offered extensive resources on the stages of spiritual awakenings, principles, and signs, among other interpretations of spirituality.

The vast amount of information available at the start led me to confusion, doubts, and questions.

Now that I have experienced sufficient spiritual growth with trial and error, I like to reflect on the best approaches for learning for myself and even someone dipping their toes into spiritual abundance.

1. Start & End With Love

Into our journey, we never stop experiencing persistent changes. Rediscovering ourselves brings enlightenment, but not without discomfort and a non-linear trip.

While I experienced peace, unconditional love, joy, and more than I ever thought was possible, it has been a rollercoaster. On certain occasions, I doubted myself and the Universe and was tempted to give up. I have shed tears and screamed from frustration.

Spiritual shifts are challenging and not alluring. For growth, we are forced to confront a lot we have neglected, suppressed, and tolerated.

Remaining loving and self-compassionate to me has been testing. Love gives me strength to get through the ugliest of times without allowing them to break me. I have prioritized acceptance of myself as I am throughout all stages while maintaining the desire for growth.

2. The Best Teachers

An endless number of teachers exist that can aid us in our spiritual growth.


The teacher we all have access to is Source itself. Source can be interchangeable with whichever higher level of intelligence you believe in, i.e., Universe, God, Source Energy, Higher Self, Spirt, etc.

Turning to the Universe at my lowest point, I asked for guidance. The Universe was ready to support me.

My choice to surrender to the unknown was straightforward. I didn’t have a lot to lose.

Although most of us have built-up resistance preventing us from our innate connection with the Universe, ultimately source (hee-hee) guides us to ourselves.

While I held a lot of resistance, distrust, and impatience when I set out, I had an open mind to learn and an open heart.

Patience and trust in the connection take time. Forming a partnership with Source, I have often had to have blind faith going through circumstances I couldn’t understand until after I experienced them.

I haven’t been the perfect student either.

Unconditional love from the Universe will remain despite frustration, impatience, or misunderstandings.

Building my connection with Source put me on the direct path to my highest self, minimizing the amount of chasing and seeking answers I would have encountered if I hadn’t developed my connection as early on.

Spirit Team

I have a spirit team just like you! Our spirit teams are ready to support, teach, and guide us on our adventures.

I connected with mine when I recognized their presence in the form of signs & synchronicities. I persisted in putting an intention out into the void to connect with them, and once I asked, their support continued.

I have felt protected for the entirety of my journey but I remain cautious when inviting energies into my space.

Setting intentions with boundaries will assure protection.

I continue to ask for support only from energies of love and compassion that help me attain my highest potential.

You and Your Experience

The starting place in all our journeys is with ourselves and our choice to open ourselves to growth.

In the evolution of our journeys, we rediscover ourselves. While the immediate access to all the wisdom within continues to unveil slowly, it is omnipresent.

To aid in accessing wisdom and gaining new insights, the people and experiences in my life always serve as an opportunity to learn and grow. The people around me are my teachers!

Similarly, each of our higher selves can connect with us, serving as another trustworthy teacher.

Spiritual Leaders

Numerous spiritual leaders are recognized, some teaching presently.

I have some reserve when seeking spiritual wisdom from teachers as I always had a difficult time trusting authority figures and their intentions. However, with some exploration, some resonated and have provided me with additional guidance and wisdom.

3. Discernment

There is a considerable amount of information on the topic of spirituality. Development of discernment is crucial because of the amount of information and the potential it has to lead us down rabbit holes.

There are no cookie-cutter 1–100 steps of a spiritual journey that we need to follow.

I found it beneficial while developing my trust in my intuition to distance myself from most online discussions of spirituality. This decision was best for me because before developing trust within myself, I relied more on other people’s interpretations of my own experiences than mine.

The journey is to self, not to everyone else.

Even if our experience differs from someone else’s, one isn’t more accurate than the other. We all perceive our experiences differently, on respective paths, and have our truths giving room for a lot of variation.

When referencing online sources, I always remind myself to be open-minded to more than one truth and that I have unlimited access to my strongest teachers Source, and myself.

4. No Turning Back

The shift in the understanding of our experience aligns us while leaving us to no longer fit our old molds.

It wasn’t too far into my journey I became aware I could not go back. As I became accustomed to higher consciousness and experiences that my rational mind couldn’t grasp, it became nearly impossible to think as I had before.

I have attempted to “go back” a few times, all of which have failed. The previous people, behaviors, and beliefs I had let go of became distant memories in exchange for growth. It can feel like a double-edged sword as our mind expands and the old versions of ourselves die to make room for our authentic selves and expansion.

5. Slow & Steady

“I am ready! “I am ready!” I’ve repeated to the Universe repeatedly throughout my journey.

Thankfully, divine timing and intervention have stood their ground, preventing me from running full speed ahead and landing on my face. The excitement I experienced when I started learning made it hard to slow down, but there was no rush.

Time is an illusion that we have been conditioned to fear and allow to dictate our lives.

I have had to remind myself that we are all on our paths, and it is best to refrain from comparing myself to others who appear to be moving faster.

I assure myself, like I do you, that while you venture on your journey, you are right on time!

6. Solitude

The spiritual way directs us inward to achieve growth. Time alone, introspecting, and resting are as important as taking action.

While well-intentioned, influences in my external experiences have been some of the reasons I was as far misguided as I was. Changes occur as self-development does. People leave and while it can be tough, it doesn’t mean to stop following the path we believe is right.

I spent a lot of time alone. Loneliness does come and go, but I probably have remained in a hermit mode longer than necessary.

Even if alone in the 3D, our spirit team and Source stay with us.

If you need support, ask.

7. Waves of Life

As growth advances, the need for balance becomes more important to maintain our spiritual selves and the practical nature of the human experience. Balancing is never-ending.

While my mind has expanded, the human experience has remained as it was. There is a lot I cannot control. Continuous change is part of this human experience.

I’ve acquired higher understandings that assist me in responding to my circumstances from a new standpoint, but the waves of life continue.

Awakened, I still experience the highs and lows.

I uncover additional shadows as I go deeper. I continue to make mistakes to learn and grow. I haven’t turned into a magical being. I remain 100% and 100% divine.


There is not an exact blueprint to follow when undergoing our spiritual paths. We have free will, and the ability to determine what is best for us.

There is a lot of change, some beautiful, some ugly.

One can’t exist without the other.

I will remain loving and compassionate to myself, and enjoy each moment of the journey.



Elisabeth Luna
Mystic Minds

Writer ♡ Spirituality, Light & Dark, Learning & Growth ♡ Currently Writing My First Book ♡ The Answer is Love ♡