Medium Boost
Remember the Days Before the Boost Was Born?
I am aware.
It has been a challenge to get your stories Boosted and I’m aware that you are feeling tired and discouraged that you put so much effort into your story but it doesn't seem to be good enough.
Many of you have reached out to me with your concerns and I hear you. I hear each one of you.
I understand how difficult it has been and I empathize.
I know how exciting it is to get a Boost and how confusing it is when it doesn’t happen when you spend days on your finest work. Especially when you got Boosted in the past, your writing hasn't changed and has only improved.
I know it can be tough to feel motivated when it feels like no matter how hard we try, we just can’t seem to get that elusive Boost. But let me remind you of something: we didn’t start writing because of the Boost.
We started writing here long before the Boost was even conceived.
We started writing because we had a message to share, because we had a passion to express.
We wanted to connect with others.
Remember the days before the Boost, when we wrote just for the joy of it? When we didn’t have to worry about meeting some mysterious criteria or impressing some algorithm?
Those were some of the best days of my writing career.
In those days, we wrote because we had a message to share. It was fun and I think it’s time we drop all the things that bind us and get back to the good old days.
I want to encourage you to start writing just like you did back then.
Write with the intention of reaching just one person, or even just yourself. Write because you love to write, and because you have a story to tell.
Don’t worry about getting a Boost, or what any editor or curator might think. Just write from your heart, and seek validation from the Universe and your own highest self.
The Boost is great and all, don’t get me wrong. It’s good to get Boosted because you get to reach a lot more people but it’s not the only reason we write.
It's not about reaching a lot of people. It's about reaching one.
Keep reaching the one and before you know it, you will have reached all.
In the days before the Boost, we wrote because we had a calling to share our stories, our experiences, and our perspectives.
Let us get back to that.
Let’s write like we used to, with passion and purpose. Let’s share our personal stories and write from the depths of our souls.
I promise you, that it will make a difference in your writing and in your life.
From the way the Universe works, when you want something so bad, it just never seems to happen.
Want something too much and you push it away
We write thinking of the Boost and so we never get it but together, let's try a new thing and see.
Write with the Boost nowhere in mind and you will be pleasantly surprised how effortless it happens.
That is just how the Universe works.
Forget about getting boosted and have fun writing and you will find that it happens just when you least expect it.
And oh. Just because your story is not boosted does not mean that it is not good enough.
Nothing is as it seems.
Always keep that in mind.
And remember, as your, editor, I’m here to support you every step of the way. So, keep writing, and never give up!
Got a personal story to tell? Submit it here.