Sex Is The Most Powerful Energy Exchange You Can Experience

Know how to spiritually protect yourself during the act

Ethereal Being
Mystic Minds


Image by Meryl katys from Pixabay

Sex is a wonderful way to release whatever built-up emotions you have or just recharge your energy levels. What some people don’t realize is that the person you share your body with plays a huge part in how your energy gets affected.

We are all energy. This energy vibrates and emits certain frequencies, some high, some low depending on the person. Our bodies are just vessels to hold this energy.

Your Partner Influences Your Vibration

When you have sex, the buildup to your orgasm causes your vibrations to slowly rise and when you do orgasm, they get to an all-time high which can feel euphoric and even give you an out-of-body experience.

In fact, an orgasm is one of the only ways humans can reach such a high level of vibration.

Yes, sex might feel good in the moment, but if the person you’re having sex with is low on energy, you’ll definitely feel it afterward!

For example, let’s say your vibrations are high and your partner tends to vibe on a very low level. When you guys have sex, they’re basically sucking the energy out of you because they need it.

