The Contract You Enter Into Once You’re Spiritually Awake

You’re awake. Now you’re on a team that’s helping others.

Emily Jennings
Mystic Minds
Published in
4 min readOct 10, 2021


in the same boat helping others
Image credit: Canva

So, you’ve woken up. What a crazy journey, am I right? All the messages from the spirit world, all the synchronicities, all the realizations that there is so much more to this reality than you thought…it’s mind-blowing. And now you’ve begun craving a new kind of friend — the kind that’s spiritual like you. The kind that understands what life is really all about. The kind that’s taken the blue pill.

The spiritual people you begin to gravitate towards aren’t hiding in caves or trying to just live their lives in a silo. They don’t wake up and then just keep working happily at their soul-sucking corporate jobs, chasing money and status like they always did. They have a mission. We all do.

What you may not realize is that all of us are now part of a team.

The team you’ve joined is one that is here to help everybody else wake up and ascend. We are partners. It’s our spiritual contract — our obligation. Because nothing else makes sense.

Spiritual people can disagree about certain ideologies, but what we all agree on is that the world needs more love.



Emily Jennings
Mystic Minds

I am here to confirm you're not crazy. Your life has meaning and nothing is an accident. | IG: @wellness_oneness |