The Healing Properties of Sound Vibrations and How to Take a Sound Bath

What the Frequency?

Kristi Tarrant
Mystic Minds


Photo by Ashlynn Murphy on Unsplash

We opened our eyes, and tears streamed down her face. “I never thought the sound blue would make me cry.”

Yes, you read that correctly. The sound blue. One of the many mysterious things about a sound bath is that you can visualize the most beautiful colors in your mind’s eye if you listen closely.

The sound of the 741 Hz Solfeggio Frequency singing bowl caused my friend (and fellow trainee in a yoga instructor certification program) to experience a deep release during a mini sound healing lesson in our yoga teacher training program.

She visualized the color of a blue sky in October. The same blue sky that she remembered from when her grandmother passed away.

Perhaps there was something about her grandmother’s death that she was holding on to — maybe grief she was unable to process? This memory was stored and associated with the color blue.

According to this article from WellandGood, sound healing is an ancient technique that uses tonal frequencies to bring the body into a state of vibrational balance and harmony.

I’m sure you’re wondering how this works. Before I was a sound bath groupie, I didn’t know much about how to take a sound bath



Kristi Tarrant
Mystic Minds

Second-time Wifey. Fortune 100 Leader. Blended Fam Mama. Storyteller. Triathlete. Yoga Teacher. I write about: Life | Health | Mindfulness | Self | Leadership