The Man Has A Near-Death Experience And Discovers The Ultimate Truth About Our Soul’s Purpose On Earth

The NDE of Andy Petro

El Creativo
Mystic Minds


Image by Freepik

Andy Petro gasped for air as water filled his lungs.

He had ventured into the cold Lake Michigan, swimming towards a platform where his friends waved and signaled him to join them.

But due to the shock of the cold water, his abdomen started to cramp, and from there, things went downhill. He started drowning.

He couldn’t kick his cold-numb legs to stay afloat. So he panicked and gulped lots of water.

In the violent motion for survival, he signaled his friends to come to the rescue. But they thought he was just playing and waved back.

The second time he sank underwater, water filled his lungs. At this point, all he wanted was air. But, overwhelmed by the harsh coldness, his muscles shut down, and he began sinking like a rock.

And in that whirl of events, he heard a voice in his head, “Andy, you need to stop and rest for a while.”

Andy Petro Was Dieing



El Creativo
Mystic Minds

Hi, my name is Emilien Creativo. I believe in the magic of love.