Astrology: The Meaning and Influence of the Sun in Our Lives

The king of the skies and the light of the world

Kimberly Fosu
Mystic Minds


Photo by Jared Rice on Unsplash

Without its heat, we are cold. Without its light, we are full of darkness. The Sun is a luminary — a star that shines so bright it lights up the world. It is our life force. The biggest celestial body human being is aware of. The sun is the center of the Solar System. It remains stationary and never goes retrograde like the other planets.

The Sun spends approximately 1 month in each zodiac sign.

It is the representation of our outer self. It is our identity. It is how we project ourselves to the world around us and what makes us stand apart from others. The sun's strong energy gives us the courage and confidence to navigate the challenges of our everyday lives.

Everything revolves around the Sun

The sun is the king of the stars. It is always in the center and everything revolves around it. The sun representing the father; it stands for all the masculine influences in one’s life, including father, husband, and male children.

The sun rules royalty, state, and higher positions. It signifies good health, wellness, and vitality. A strong Sun in the horoscope shows a person with strong leadership qualities.

The Sun’s energy is vital. It decides whether we smile and be radiant or whether that smiles disappears and we hide behind the clouds, feeling nothing but gloom.

The Dignities of the Sun


The Sun is in domicile in Leo. A planet is considered in domicile or at home when it is positioned in the sign it rules. The Sun rules Leo and is therefore at home there where he is the master and in control. The Sun is the strongest in Leo.


The Sun is exalted in Aries. When a celestial body is in exaltation, it is very strong. It is like being in a place where everybody knows your name and is happy you are there. It is a place of power and dignity.


The Sun is in detriment in Aquarius. When a celestial body is in detriment it is said to be uncomfortable in that sign and operates with the least strength. It is weak, like in a neighbor’s home where he has no control. A planet is in detriment in the zodiac sign opposite the sign it rules. The sun rules Leo, opposite of Aquarius.


The Sun falls in Libra. It is powerless, as if it’s in a foreign land. It has no control. A planet falls in the sign opposite of its exaltation. Libra is the opposite sign of Aries.

The Sun in the zodiac signs

Sun in Aries

The sun is exalted in Aries, so it likes to be here. The Sun in Aries represents the spark of energy which brings in new life. The sun motivates Aries to start new things. The drive to pioneer, lead, and act may feature strongly. The sun adds to Aries's already passionate and fiery nature.


  • Very determined and won't stop until success is achieved.
  • Likes a challenge and thrives on action and activity.
  • Very courageous in the face of adversity.
  • May put themselves in dangerous situations.
  • They don't back down easily.
  • Makes great leaders and can inspire others into action.
  • Shows initiative.


  • Aggressive, impulsive, and over assertive.
  • Pushes too hard overlooking important details.
  • Likely to make enemies.
  • Quick to anger.
  • Impatient and intolerant.
  • May not listen to the opinions of others.
  • May have difficulty focusing on one thing.

Sun in Taurus

The Sun in Taurus is grounded and solid. Taurus natives are very sensual in all things. Security means everything to them. They appreciate comfort and their definition of “comfortable” is different from the rest of the signs. Comfort is a driving force for a Taurus.


  • Grounded, determined, and focused.
  • They are practical, have common sense, and down to earth.
  • Dependable, reliable, and trustworthy.
  • Very cultured and appreciates the good things in life.
  • Has the ability to attract wealth.
  • Hardworking and possesses the power of endurance.
  • Patient, naturally cautious and doesn’t like to be rushed.


  • Inflexible and too wrapped up in the material side of life.
  • Dull life and sometimes in a rut.
  • Eventually becomes a slave to routine.
  • Too cautious and stuck in their ways.
  • Can become too practical in life.
  • There never seems to be enough. All their possessions don’t bring pleasure
  • Self-absorbed.

Sun in Gemini

The Sun has a positive influence on Gemini. It promotes enthusiasm and the determination to succeed. The Sun can boost stamina at those times when a Gemini’s energy is low. But it may also add to the mental exhaustion of Gemini.


  • Highly communicative.
  • Intelligent and well educated.
  • Very adaptable and versatile.
  • Learns new things easily
  • Have the gift of humor and wit.
  • Fun to be around.


  • Opinions change rapidly.
  • Talks endlessly and exhaust others.
  • Easily persuaded.
  • Can’t focus due to too many ideas.
  • Gets bored easily.
  • Has many unfinished projects.
  • Nervous, excitable, and restless.

Sun in Cancer

Sun in Cancer is emotional, but they can exhibit stronger personalities whenever the Sun goes into their sign. They are stable and steadfast. Cancers are very protective of their loved ones and will do anything to keep them safe. The Sun increases Cancer’s characteristic of loyalty and sensitivity.


  • Protects and defends loved ones.
  • Maintains peace.
  • Avoids confrontations.
  • Very tenacious.
  • Highly emotional and sensitive.
  • Instinctive, intuitive, and imaginative.
  • Immersed in domestic life. Home and family are very important.


  • Controlled by emotions.
  • Moody and tends to brood.
  • Likely to be timid.
  • Insecure in life.
  • Tends to cling to people and things.
  • Worries endlessly.
  • Makes careless mistakes.

Sun in Leo

The Sun rules Leo so it is home here. It gets to be king and the center of it all. The influence of the Sun makes Leo creative, warm, affectionate, and has the capacity to enjoy life to the fullest. They have immense vitality and stamina.


  • Great personality and fun to be around.
  • Dignified and royal.
  • Center of attraction.
  • Seeks a life of pleasure.
  • Reliable and dependable.
  • Kind, loyal, and generous nature.
  • Seeks to bring happiness into the lives of others.


  • Wants the world to revolve around them.
  • Conceited and standoffish.
  • Aloof and patronizing.
  • Upsets people by pushing too hard and being overbearing.
  • Unaware of other people’s needs.
  • Overlook details.
  • Think they know it all and don't listen to the opinions of others.

Sun in Virgo

The sun in Virgo is meticulous and organized. They are the king-makers and don't really like the spotlight. They pay attention to every little detail and make sure all things are in the right place. They can be hard on themselves if they feel they didn’t do the best job they could.


  • Neat, clean, and tidy.
  • Cautious and down to earth.
  • Very practical and organized.
  • Reliable and trustworthy.
  • Prefers to work in the background in a supportive role.
  • Health and hygiene are very important.
  • Analytical mind, good at details, and governed by precision.


  • Moody, cold, and worries too much.
  • Workaholic which sometimes affects their health.
  • Critical and expects too much of self and others.
  • Unappreciative.
  • Obsessive over cleanliness.
  • Stand-offish.
  • Points out things in others and fail to look at themselves.

Sun in Libra

The Sun falls in Libra. It doesn’t like being here. The sun heightens the Librans need for warmth, expression, and affection. Librans enjoy the luxuries of life. Physical stamina for the Libra is boosted by the influence of the Sun.


  • Governed by the need for harmony and balance.
  • A strong sense of fair play and justice.
  • Seeks peaceful solutions but will fight injustice.
  • Has good manners, courteous and refined nature.
  • A natural sense of charm, grace, and poise.
  • Likes closeness in romance and friendship.
  • Trusting, affectionate, and loving.


  • Unhappy alone and may become involved in meaningless associations.
  • Like to flirt. May not take relationships seriously.
  • Hard to get motivated, can be lazy.
  • Overly concerned with appearance.
  • Difficulty making decisions.
  • Changes their mind often.

Sun in Scorpio

The Sun produces a constant stream of restless emotional energy that needs to channeled and directed elsewhere. Undirected energies may lead to emotional outbursts and workaholic behaviors.


  • Intense and passionate about life.
  • Highly intuitive and emotional.
  • Curious, will get to the bottom of things.
  • Very resourceful.
  • Likely to excel in financial matters.
  • Very powerful.
  • Goes all or nothing.


  • Manipulative. May try to dominate people.
  • Fixed opinions. Unlikely to change their minds.
  • Difficulty controlling emotions. Very moody.
  • Highly charged emotional relationships.
  • Can be jealous or resentful.
  • Suspicious and not able to trust people.
  • At war with self.

Sun in Sagittarius

The Sun in Sagittarius increases the desire to explore the bigger questions of life. When the Sun enters expansive Sagittarius, it’s time to open our hearts and souls to the great opportunities the world has to offer!


  • Lives life to the fullest.
  • Spread happiness, very likely to do well in life, has a lucky streak, and seems to attract wealth.
  • Seeks freedom over everything.
  • Thrives on knowledge and likes to learn. May have interests in religion or law.
  • Intellectual, philosophical, and a deep thinker.
  • Great sense of humor.
  • Generally optimistic.


  • Restless, always on the go, unable to settle down.
  • Goes to extremes in situations.
  • Interested in many things and often have many unfinished projects.
  • Insufficient attention to detail and carelessness which often leads to mistakes.
  • Easily distracted.
  • Exaggerates situations.
  • Has commitment issues.

Sun in Capricorn

The Sun serves as a positive influence on Capricorn’s well-known pessimism, caution, and rigidity by lifting their spirits. Sun in Capricorn people portray a sense of being in charge, and they usually are. Capricorn ages in reverse. They tend to loosen up and start enjoying life as they age. Capricorn is the Old Soul of the Zodiac.


  • Highly principled, trustworthy, reliable, and dependable.
  • Values honesty.
  • Aspires to be successful in life and is usually successful.
  • Stable, secure, and grounded.
  • Patient, cautious, and determined.
  • Professional and highly efficient.
  • Takes work and responsibilities very seriously.


  • Rigid outlook on life.
  • Doesn't know how to have fun or loosen up.
  • Rules and regulations dominate their life.
  • Materialistic.
  • Nothing ever seems to be enough.
  • Gloomy and pessimistic.
  • Possesses a narrow view of life.

Sun in Aquarius

The Sun is detriment here but it helps to maintain the vitality required to serve themselves and others. The Sun strengthens Aquarius' self-esteem and their ability to be affectionate. At other times, the Sun’s influence is channeled into the tendency to be rebellious and unpredictable.


  • Original, likes to go their own way, and very different.
  • Values freedom and independence.
  • Humanitarian.
  • Popular and friendly.
  • Interest in technology, science, metaphysics, and philosophy.
  • Advanced and progressed thinkers.
  • Eccentric.


  • Rebellious and unpredictable.
  • Difficult to understand.
  • Hard to settle down or even rest.
  • Stays in solitude or isolation.
  • Stubborn and inflexible.
  • Resists taking in new ideas.
  • Will push you away sometimes.

Sun in Pisces

The sun in Pisces people fit in every situation because of their mutability. They are very flexible and easily adapt to change. The Sun assists by firing the vivid Pisces imagination further. As the twelfth and last sign of the zodiac, Pisces contains within itself a little trait from all the signs. This gives Pisces Suns the ability to identify with people from all walks of life.


  • Sacrifices own interests for others.
  • Highly intuitive, empathic, and vivid imagination.
  • Interests in religion, mystical and spiritual matters.
  • May have genuine inner gifts and hidden abilities.
  • Great compassion and sympathy. Deep understanding of human needs.
  • Emotional and highly sensitive.
  • Artistic and can see the beauty in everything.


  • Gullible.
  • Tries always to see the best in people and are often taken advantage of.
  • Difficulty saying no.
  • Lacks practicality, gets confused, with a head in the clouds.
  • Worries and ruminates.
  • Suffers greatly in life due to extreme sensitivity.
  • Prone to accept ideas without due consideration.

Final Thoughts

Your sun sign is your “I am”. When you are asked, “Who are you?” your answers will embody the description of your Sun.

The Sun is so important in the chart and the happiest people on this earth are those who identify (without over-identifying) with the Sun’s expression. The Sun shows us what we are learning to be.



Kimberly Fosu
Mystic Minds

Spiritual life coach focused on spirituality, faith and inspiration. My new book "Who Am I?" is available on Amazon now.