Ego and the higher self

The Only Thing Worse Than Ego Is a Spiritual Ego

You think someone's ego is big? Wait until you see a spiritual person develop an ego

Kimberly Fosu
Mystic Minds
Published in
4 min readSep 22, 2021


A person can hold themselves in high esteem without being prideful. (Photo: mohamed Hassan)

A Spiritual Ego Is Difficult to Catch

A spiritual ego is the most subtle but dangerous type of ego to develop. It isn’t aggressive but it disguises itself as love and light, while it wreaks havoc in the darkness.

Because it isn’t as aggressive as the physical ego, it’s very difficult to catch. It hides beneath the surface, making a person feel as if he has it all figured out when, in reality, they still have so much to learn.

The moment we establish we’re spiritual, there’s a subtle sense of pride that rises within, and that's okay when we look at how far we've come. Because of that, the spiritual ego will always be there, but it’s something we must transcend.

When we don't rise above the ego and we use spirituality to feed it, it grows out of control. Then a person starts to think they're special, and that’s why they were called to awaken. They then look down on others who aren't awakened.



Kimberly Fosu
Mystic Minds

Spiritual life coach focused on spirituality, faith and inspiration. My new book "Who Am I?" is available on Amazon now.