The Powerful Final Step To Your Godliness (No Matter Where You Start)

You can’t ignore this point, where all spiritual paths merge at their peak

Ruchi Thalwal
Mystic Minds


Photo by Raychan on Unsplash

Many religions talk about God. But the constant manipulation of the word has diluted the value of it.

In India, we call enlightened ones ‘Bhagwan’ like Bhagwan Buddha, Bhagwan Ramana Maharishi, Bhagwan Osho, etc.

The literal English translation of Bhagwan is God. But it does not mean what many people may understand.

Bhagwan is a title given to someone who realizes their bhagwatta, i.e., godliness.

Godliness is a reflection of your pure nature.

Godliness is the fundamental nature of every human.

It does not mean performing miracles. It means attaining a state of pure balance and harmony with life in which nothing affects you.

Beneath your individual identity is the core where you experience oneness with life. Then, no form, body, or life becomes different from yours. You realize everything is an extension of you.

When everything is you, then there is no place for rage, resistance, hatred, or comparison. Then love, compassion, and acceptance drip from you.



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