The Real Spiritual Meaning of Darkness
The dark is not evil
The polarity of Light and Dark through a myriad of pop culture franchises, from Star Wars to Marvel, is almost always portrayed as a war between good and evil.
I often hear the words light and dark thrown around in a similar fashion in spiritual circles, including by some quite famous and influential people. And honestly, this really bothers me, because what they mean by Dark is not its true essence at all!
A skewed paradigm of light and dark has its roots in Catholicism and the patriarchal overtaking of spirituality, bifurcating existence into two realms:
1) The light: heavenly/the father/the worthy/the good.
2) The dark: earthly/the whore/the sinful/the bad.
Catholicism created the tormenting place we know as Hell and the guy we know with the goat horns, the Devil. They created what we know as evil. Before Catholicism and Christianity, these concepts did not exist, and all existence was considered sacred.
When we approach the concept of dark from a paradigm that does not descend from Christianity, it means something VERY different.
Let’s take a look at the word dark and its true origins from a spiritual perspective.