Astrology 101

The Role and Influence of Venus in The Birth Chart

Venus shows how we approach love and relationships

Kimberly Fosu
Mystic Minds
Published in
10 min readFeb 1, 2021


Venus (she/her) is the planet of love and fortune. (Photo: WikiImages)

The Planet of Love and Abundance

In astrology, Venus is considered the benefic planet and stargazers marvel at her beauty. Venus in the birth chart represents how we love. It is considered the planet of fortune named after the Roman goddess of love and beauty — Aphrodite.

In astronomy, Venus is the second planet from the Sun. As the second-brightest natural object in Earth’s night sky after the Moon, Venus can cast shadows and can be visible to the naked eye in broad daylight.

Venus lies within the Earth’s orbit, and so never appears to venture far from the Sun, either setting in the west just after dusk or rising in the east a bit before dawn

Venus in The Signs

Venus rules sensual Taurus and charming Libra — she is Queen there. She’s in distress in the opposite sign of the signs she rules — fiery Aries and intense Scorpio. She is exalted in magical Pisces and falls in strict Virgo.

To know what sign your Venus is in, you need a copy of your birth/natal chart.


Venus is a damsel in distress here. Aries (ruled by Mars) is too much fire for soft and feminine Venus. When Venus in Aries wants something or someone, she has to have it. She loves the thrill of the chase. She will win you over by telling you how good she is. She is bold and passionate in this part of the sky. She wants the freedom to go on exciting adventures to explore the world out there. Venus in Aries is very competitive and is, therefore, a little possessive over her love interest. She gets bored fast and wants to be on the move. She thrives on action and fun. In Aries, she doesn’t want to lie on the couch watching TV; she wants to get up and go outside and experience life. She doesn’t enjoy being controlled and would rather be the one doing all the controlling.


Venus rules Taurus and is home here. This part of the Zodiac is where her palace is. She is a queen and is treated as such. When there is someone she is interested in, she needs not rush the process. She targets her love interest and studies them like a book. The more she waits, the bigger her rewards. She slowly steals your heart and sweeps you off your feet when you least expect it. Once she has you, she will delight in satisfying you in every way imaginable. She will enjoy running their hands through your hair and running you a nice bubble bath. She wants the same in return! She will make you very comfortable around them. You will love how sensual she feels. She will probably smell very good at all times. She loves stability and doesn’t appreciate spontaneity. She doesn’t want to go out and explore, she just wants to lie on the couch, eat good food and drink expensive wine.


Venus in Gemini (ruled by Mercury) will talk your ears off. That’s how she wins you over. She is fast and when there is someone she is interested in; she goes for it. She wants to know all there is to know about you at once. You will think about the things she says to you long after she is gone. When she has you, she will enjoy playing, having fun with you, and teasing you. You must be interesting or she will get bored and find the next person who will interest her. She doesn’t want to lie on the couch too long watching TV. She wants to do something else. She loves the chaos and will go somewhere where she can spice things up. You have to learn to have stimulating and thought-provoking conversations with her or she will be unhappy. Don’t try to tie her down. She dislikes being bogged down by lovers. She needs constant activity and wants to go out and do her own thing. She needs plenty of space to keep the spark alive.


Venus in Cancer (ruled by the moon) is soft and intuitive. When there is someone she likes, she observes them from afar and learns all their moods. When she approaches you, you will feel as if you’ve known her all your life. Careful with your words with Venus in Cancer. In relationships, she is fragile, sensitive, and hurts easily. You don’t want to hurt her and if you hurt her, she may struggle to trust you. She wants stability, commitment, and predictability. She has a lot of love to give. She will give you security and comfort. She shows you how much she loves you by caring for you, and she wants the same in return. She pays more attention to your feelings than your words. She wants to have deep conversations with you and if you can’t satisfy her in that way, she will just find someone who can.


Venus in Leo (ruled by the Sun) is royalty. She approaches her love interest by showing off her riches. She will promise to share her riches with you so you both live a lavish lifestyle. She tells you how she will take care of you and how she is going to show you off to the world! You have to do the same thing for her or she will find someone else who can put all of their attention on her. To her, there is no such thing as too much attention. In relationships, she is hot and fiery and when she cools off; she is warm, generous, and fun. She will shower you with expensive gifts and grand gestures like a random trip to some faraway island with lots of sunshine. She is proud of herself and will probably boast of all her achievements, and you also have to tell her how proud you are of her. If she makes you jealous, tell her because it will make her feel great; it shows you fear losing her. Never tell her to tone it down or sit down. Don’t make her feel small or she will leave you for someone who worships the ground she walks on.


Venus falls flat on her face in Virgo (ruled by Mercury). Virgo is just too strict, and his serious outlook on life can be a buzzkill for her. When there is someone she likes, she has to calculate her every move! She is afraid of doing anything to mess it up and will not rush the process. She won’t make a move until she knows for sure you like her. In relationships, things will happen slowly. She will plan the first date, the first kiss, and the first sexual encounter. It will take a long time for her to fall in love with you, but once she does, she will love and care for you. She will show you how dedicated she is by paying attention to every small detail. She will be critical of you in the name of love, but she herself is very sensitive to criticism. For her to stay, you must show her you appreciate all the things she does for you like making sure the bathroom is always shiny and spotless and picking up your clothes off the floor! If you keep dropping your clothes on the bathroom floor, she will leave you for someone who is clean and organized!


Venus loves being in Libra! She is the queen and her other royal place is here. When there is someone that she likes, she will approach them with grace, poise, and charm. Her good manners and kindness are out of this world and that’s how she will steal your heart and own it. When she falls in love, she will treat you like the best thing that ever happened to her. She will treat you fairly with gentle care and give you all you want and she expects the same in return! She is all for equality and fairness, so she won’t be thrilled when you try to use or take advantage of her. She dislikes bad manners and harsh expressions of emotions. She doesn’t want to waste time on silly little fights. She will always concede defeat just to keep the peace. Venus will adjust her life to accommodate yours. To her, relationships are bigger than life itself, so she has an idealized image of her relationships in her head. She thrives on deep and intellectual conversations. She will share her life with you as long as you bring her peace and harmony.


Venus is in distress in Scorpio (ruled by Mars). Scorpio’s harsh energies are just too much for her to deal with, but she has no other options but to cope. She is intuitive, imaginative, and emotional in Scorpio. When there is someone she likes, she will fiercely approach them and the encounter will be deep and intense from the start. When she falls for you, you will feel consumed by her love. She is fearless when it comes to intimacy and she is ready to dive all in. She will put all her focus and attention on you, and she will enjoy the deep conversations where you spill all your secrets but don’t expect her to share her secrets with you. She will see through all the facades and the fluff so you can cut it around Venus in Scorpio. She is possessive and loves to control you and your relationship, so let her if you want her love to last. She is loyal and committed, jealous, and wants you all to herself. Careful not to upset her, she is dangerous when provoked. Give her intensity, intimacy, and lots of sex and she will stay forever.


Venus in Sagittarius (ruled in Jupiter) is big on life. When there is someone she likes, she approaches them boldly and fearlessly. She will win you over with her big smile, her infectious laugh, and silly jokes. Her grand schemes and her friendly, flirtatious behavior will sweep you off your feet. In love, she can be a confusing mix of lighthearted and serious. She is optimistic and will have no business dealing with someone who can’t be positive. She is way too blunt and will have no issues telling you how negative you are being! She needs to know that she can grow and expand her horizons with you. She has lots of traveling and exploring to do, and she wants to learn and experience new things with you. She wants you to appreciate her beliefs, visions, and ideals. She is a roamer and a seeker and won’t commit to you easily — it scares her to death to be tied down in a relationship, so don’t bring up marriage too soon. When she realizes you don’t share the same interest and beliefs, she will run away to a faraway country leaving you behind and never looking back.


Venus in Capricorn (ruled by Saturn) is strict and disciplined. When there is someone she is interested in, she displays an incredible amount of self-control and responsible behavior. She is practical and deliberate in all she does. She will take her time getting to know you. She will never rush and make a fool of herself. She won’t act too much and she won’t express her love for you sooner than she feels ready to do so. She is attracted to people of status and power. She wants her lovers to be serious and goal-oriented. When in love, she will show you off in subtle ways. She likes a good measure of predictability and stability in her relationship because she is very cautious in love. She will appear strict and serious and sometimes even cold, lacking any warmth whatsoever. But she is a romantic soul who yearns for a partner who has just as much to give as she does. She is reserved but willing to commit to the right person who promises them stability. You will have no problems knowing where the relationship stands, as she will have a plan in place for everything. She doesn’t have a lot of fun in relationships, but that changes as she grows and matures. As Venus ages, she learns to loosen up a bit and becomes warm, fun, and funny!


Venus in Aquarius (ruled by Uranus) is eccentric and electric. When there is someone that she likes, she approaches by showing just how different she is from the rest. She wants to be seen as unique, rebellious, and a little provocative. She is attracted to unusual or unconventional relationships. She can be quite standoffish and is threatened by the rules. She delights in breaking them. When in relationships, she isn’t the most loving or one to show emotions. She may appear detached and carefree. She avoids emotional confrontations at all costs. Venus in Aquarius wants you to love her who she is deep down. She wants to be loved for her intellect, and she wants you to admire her weird ways. She wants you to be on her intellectual level, so she is comfortable opening up to you. She will impress you by her humanitarian nature, her original and inventive ways, and her strange lifestyle. She needs plenty of time to be fully comfortable, so don’t try to cage her in. She needs lots and lots of space to breathe to be her best self so leave her to do her own thing every now and then and when you return, she will be excited again and will show you how much she missed you.


Venus is exalted and is royalty in Pisces (ruled by Neptune.) She loves it here; it is like the place she goes to where everyone knows her name and is glad she is there. When there is someone that she likes, she will win them over with magic. She will become the cutest person you have ever laid eyes on. Her sweet and gentle aura along with her childlike innocence will make you fall head over heels in love with her. When in love, she is dreamy and charming, sweet, and playful, and she will indulge you in mystical and otherworldly experiences. Because of her high intuition and sensitivity, it is easy for her to absorb all of her partner’s feelings. She becomes moody when she takes on too much of your emotions and will need plenty of alone time to sleep and recharge. Don’t expect too much planning from a Venus in Pisces — she goes with the flow. Because Venus's head is mostly in the cosmos when she is in Pisces, she appreciates a lover who keeps her grounded. She is unimpressed by a person’s status — all she cares about is the heart and soul within. When she decides to love you, she accepts you for who you are. Most people try to take advantage of her pure heart and when they do, she leaves to never return.

Final Thoughts

When you are asked, “What do you love in a partner?” your answers will embody the description of your Venus sign.

Venus is important in the birth chart, and the happiest people on this earth are those who identify without over-identifying with their Venus signs.

Free Astrology Birth Chart Report.



Kimberly Fosu
Mystic Minds

Purpose coach focused on spirituality, faith, and inspiration.