The Spiritual Significance Of Ringing In Your Ears

The angels are communicating with you.

Ethereal Being
Mystic Minds


Photo by Franco Antonio Giovanella on Unsplash

What Are Angels?

When the average person thinks of angels they probably think it looks like a person with a floating halo, wings, dressed in white, with a bright light surrounding it however, this is not really what they are — I apologize in advance for crushing your dreams. Angels are just balls of energy much like any other spirit, they do not come in human form. They radiate love, light and, positive healing energies. Because of the fact they are just energy, they emit frequencies when they’re trying to communicate with humans. These frequencies translate into a high pitched ringing sound in our ears and only lasts a couple of seconds. It’s important that you pay attention to which ear you hear the ringing sound in and the pitch of the frequency because they mean different things. High pitched are usually related to positive things while low pitched are more negative.

This is entirely based on the assumption that you don’t have some type of medical condition such as tinnitus, which is harmless but can cause ringing in the ear for unknown reasons. If you do not have any medical conditions related to ear ringing, then it most likely is spiritually related.

Right Ear

