There Can Be No Rebirth Without A Dark Night of The Soul

Something within us needs to die

Patrícia Williams
Mystic Minds


Photo by Patrick Boucher on Unsplash

The dark night of the soul is defined as a deep existential crisis where all our beliefs about ourselves, the Universe, and our place within it are called into question.

It’s a period marked by profound inner conflict, where the very foundations of our identity and purpose are shaken to their core. More importantly, it’s a period where we’re in a limbo state —we’re caught between the person we were and the person we aspire to be, and we have no idea of how to move forward.

When we’re in the midst of a dark night of the soul, it’s almost impossible to see the light at the end of the tunnel. We feel lost, adrift, and utterly alone, as if the ground beneath our feet has turned to quicksand.

I’ve experienced two dark nights, and each time, I found myself resisting the discomfort, clinging desperately to the familiarity of my old self. I didn’t know how to cope with all the changes the Universe was throwing my way — all I wanted was to feel safe, even if it meant holding onto what was holding me back.

But then, I realized it was precisely this resistance that was keeping me trapped in a cycle of suffering.



Patrícia Williams
Mystic Minds

Sharing my healing & awakening journey, to hopefully help you feel a little less alone on yours ✧