There’s Always More Than We Can See

The power of the unseen forces

Kimberly Fosu
Mystic Minds
Published in
3 min readApr 14, 2024


(Photo: Canva)

A storm is made up of two things: wind and water. You will always see the water pouring down but not the wind powering it.

The wind is the invisible part of the storm. You may feel its presence, but you can’t see it. However, it is the wind that powers the storm. The water only acts based on what the wind makes it do.

The water is like the visible problems we face in life — the tangible obstacles that we can see and touch.

The wind is like the invisible forces that power those problems — the underlying issues that we can’t see with our physical eyes.

The wind and water work together to create a turbulent force during a fierce storm.

And the storm isn’t just about the wind and water. It’s also about the darkness that sometimes comes with it, making it hard to see what’s beyond the scenes.

The wind and water work together to create a turbulent force during a fierce storm.

Whenever you’re facing a problem you just don’t understand, remember there’s always an invisible part to the problem.

To solve the problem, you need to look beyond the water — the visible problems and confront…



Mystic Minds
Mystic Minds

Published in Mystic Minds

A publication for down-to-earth spirituality

Kimberly Fosu
Kimberly Fosu

Written by Kimberly Fosu

Purpose coach focused on spirituality, faith, and inspiration.