This Is Why Average People Consider a Highly Spiritual Person Stupid

3 weird things about a highly spiritual person.

Ruchi Thalwal
Mystic Minds


Photo by Ben White on Unsplash

Cut off from normal rat race.

I recently met my old friend. At a get-together with her other friends, one of them said, “You’ll like meeting XYZ. He is the same as you. Odd and weird.”

Sensing they said something strange, they continued, “I meant that once he was part of our group, now he likes to stay alone in his apartment or wander at spiritual places alone. He also doesn’t work like you.”

Hmm. Odd and weird. Right!

You seek something more when you sense that life is much more than people or events. Rejecting how others function in this world makes way to your unique way of living.

You may work or earn less but still be contented from inside, unlike others who slog like servants and still crave more.

Everyone has priorities in life. Something matters more to certain people, while those same things might mean nothing to others.

Highly spiritual people have their priorities straight. They don’t want to churn on the wheel of the rat race. That is why they appear stupid when they choose to step out of it.



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