The Soul Journey | Love

Twin Flames Sound Impossible but They’re Not A Joke

Another piece about how I used to be a skeptic but the universe forced me into awakening!

Emily Jennings
Mystic Minds
Published in
5 min readSep 17, 2021


the twin flame journey is real
Image credit: Canva

About two weeks ago, I was telling a friend that I didn’t believe in twin flames. She agreed with me. Why would a soul ever divide in half and how could there be a person in the world out there wandering around who’s my literal other half? Humbug! I started drafting a blog post about how soul mates might be real but twin flames are nonsense.

Days later, my twin flame walked into my life. I can’t make this up.

How did I realize that he was my twin and how did I let go of my prejudice? I can’t explain it in any way other than to say that it was intuition. I just knew. There is no other way it could be.

You can try to tell me till the cows come home about how twin flames are not real now, and I just made it up out of my wishful thinking, but I know in my heart that twin flames are very real. Maybe all of the things you hear about them aren’t true, but in essence, there is a person out there who mirrors you and can help you get closer to God just by being in your presence. Their soul elevates your soul.



Emily Jennings
Mystic Minds

I am here to confirm you're not crazy. Your life has meaning and nothing is an accident. | IG: @wellness_oneness |