The Symbolism and Spiritual Science Behind the Ankh

“Know thyself and you shall know The Universe, and God” - Socrates

Kali Moon
Mystic Minds


Photo by RODNAE Productions

What the Ankh represents

Everywhere you look now, you see tattoos, paintings, drawings, and customized jewelry of this ancient African Symbol. What does the Ankh symbolize, Is the Ankh more than just another trending fashion piece?

To understand what the Ankh represents, we must first take a look at how Ancient Kemet viewed the world and spirituality.

Universal Laws

One of the main laws that govern our world is the law of polarity. The Law of plurality states that for something to exist, its opposite has to exist. In other words, everything has two poles.

The source responsible for creation is not exempt from the Laws and two opposite energies are working together to create everything we see- The sacred Masculine and Divine Feminine or Yin and Yang energy.

The forces of creation and the Ankh

The Ankh an ancient Kemetic Symbol of Life cycles
The Ankh made in Canva



Kali Moon
Mystic Minds

Kali Moon's School of Esoteric Science & Self- Development -Breaking the Barriers of Self Imposed limitations and Toxic Programing. Returning Back to Divinity.