We’re All Wearing Masks, And I Can’t Wear Mine Anymore

I’ve spent so many years being inauthentic that I have no tolerance for inauthenticity now

Patrícia Williams
Mystic Minds


Photo by Larm Rmah on Unsplash

Wearing masks has become a daily routine for many of us. We wake up each morning and, almost instinctively, slip into the roles we believe will earn us approval and acceptance.

In the workplace, it’s suppressing opinions to fit expectations. Socially, it’s adopting personas for acceptance. Even within the family, we often find ourselves playing roles to maintain harmony.

To most of us, this isn’t a conscious decision or calculated move — it’s an unspoken survival tactic etched into the script of our existence. Over time, we’ve become masters of this silent art, so adept that donning a mask has become second nature and we hardly realize we’re wearing one.

I used to be a pro at this game. Every day was a new act, a fresh attempt to be someone I thought others wanted me to be.

The catch? I got so good at pretending that I lost sight of who I really was.

The masks we wear affect how we act and react, shaping the image we project to the world.

Behind our behaviors are untold stories, often rooted in a past where specific emotional needs weren’t met. At the…



Patrícia Williams
Mystic Minds

Sharing my healing & awakening journey, to hopefully help you feel a little less alone on yours ✧ https://linktr.ee/patriciaswilliams