What Is Beyond Fear?

These lessons can help you uncover the wisdom of fear so that you learn, grow, and come out the other side

✨ Bridget Webber
Mystic Minds


Someone walks out of a fear tunnel and out the other side.
Photograph by Kasuma,m Pexels

No one escapes fear. You can’t run away from it. But once you understand it, it becomes your teacher. Fear’s lessons can lead to wisdom, self-improvement, and spiritual development.

Rather than get stuck in our fears, which cause suffering incessantly, we can shift beyond them. First, though, we need to accept and understand them, and then we can use them to our advantage.

We are all fearful at times, and always for good reasons. Even when what we are afraid of isn’t dangerous in a practical sense and stems from the imagination, our emotion offers an important message that can bring growth and transformation when we listen and respond.

Fear is an energy that demands your attention

The first step to overcoming fear is the willingness to accept it exists, and we can take this scary step by recognizing our fears as energy. Indeed, all emotions are energetic in nature. Until we see them as such, we label them as good or bad, and naturally, we place fear on the negative end of the emotional spectrum.

Fear can be uncomfortable or downright paralyzing, so we may feel the urge to bury…



✨ Bridget Webber
Mystic Minds

Former counselor. Spiritual growth, compassion, mindfulness, creativity, and psychology. Support me at https://ko-fi.com/bridgetwebber