What You Need to Know About the 4 Stages of Demonic Possession

What I witnessed fighting demons

Mystic Minds


This image is by the author. The clipart is by GracePhotoArt.

The Prerequisites

It’s essential to be familiar with the stages before an evil spirit can gain traction. If you nip it in the bud early, you can prevent significant damage from happening.

Evil entities are very slippery and will try to deceive you every step of the way.

Evil spirits don’t waltz into people’s lives when they feel like it. They have to be invited into your home or life.

This permission isn’t always clear.

An ex-friend of mine we’ll call Aria made this mistake. Aria asked the spirits to take her instead of her dying grandpa. He still died. But now she had awful thoughts that weren’t her own. But that of an evil spirit deceiving her.

Making a pack with a demon or black witchcraft is more obvious.

They may also enter a home or life that is full of negativity. This can happen without explicit permission.

This is because like attracts like.

If you’re living a positive lifestyle, then you are much less likely to attract a demon or an evil spirit.



Mystic Minds

I’m a psychic medium on Medium. •BA in Psychology •Substitute teacher •Lover of pink 🪄Join Medium: https://exorcistinpink.medium.com/membership