Why a Birthday Says More About You Than a Day of Birth

‘God does not play dice’ — Albert Einstein

Genius Turner
Mystic Minds


“It’s your birthday, make a wish . . .” (JD Hancock on Flickr)

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Over the weekend my pal dropped by. He brought along his adorable eight-year-old son.

“Junior, see this guy . . .” Leterrel said, pointing at me. “He may be funny-looking but he’s a genius.”

Junior cupped a hand over his mouth and whispered: “Daddy, tell ’em I’m a Spiderman.”

Ah, kids say the darndest things. …

“What makes you a genius?” Junior blurted, watching me from his papa’s lap.

I smiled. “What if ‘genius’ is just a fancy word for, um, someone merely good at spotting patterns and then drawing conclusions?”

His blank expression suggested I needed to fill in the blank.

Because example is better than precept, I used birthdays to paint the following word-portrait.

I. There’s Something in This More Than Natural

“There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, than are dreamt of in your philosophy.” — Shakespeare (Jeanette P on Flickr)



Genius Turner
Mystic Minds

My work’s popular in academia (biology, psychology, logic, etc) + Signed to the same agency as Eckhart Tolle = I’m an ordinary guy serving an extraordinary God.