Why I’m Suddenly Meditating More and Loving It
The many ways life can distract us from our most important priorities
Many years ago, I studied an ancient text that detailed how to achieve enlightenment in six months, supposedly my highest aspiration. One caveat: You must practice single-mindedly in retreat.
In addition, now and then, you needed to let out a mind-shattering “PHAT,” a Tibetan seed syllable, to break apart your conceptual mind. Being weak of voice, I knew I could never shatter my stream of thoughts with my, at best, feeble utterance.
And I was too busy for retreat.
I managed the U.S. arm of a large spiritual organization, which fulfilled my need for purpose. I believed we were creating a better world, so I took my work seriously. I labored twenty-four seven, so meditation and other spiritual practices took a backseat.
Many remarkable teachers visited our various centers and bestowed countless teachings upon us. Thus, I never wanted for knowledge or instruction, only for the time needed to put them into practice.
Instead, I put all my energy into serving others, interspersed by the occasional meditation session.
I don’t doubt my positive motivation. But years later, I realized how thoroughly it had…