Why Therapy Was Useless After My Awakening

It was pointless to talk to my therapist when I could heal myself from deep within

Emily Jennings
Mystic Minds
Published in
5 min readDec 30, 2020


Photo by Celeste Horrocks on Unsplash

After my husband abandoned me six months ago, I had an awakening. However, I was also worried about my mental health and my ability to bounce back from trauma. I had been in a place where feeling worthless was the norm, plus I was basically thrown in the trash by the man I loved. So, I signed up for therapy.

I’ve done therapy off and on for years, and enjoyed it. Usually, the reason I stop because I have to move to a new city. But this time, although my therapist was perfectly nice, I stopped because it didn’t sync well with my spiritual awakening. Why would I need therapy when I am suddenly able to take shamanic-style journeys into myself and speak to the spirits beyond our surface egos? I found that I could heal myself.

You can, too.

“The question is: do you want suffering or do you want peace? It’s that simple.”
Donna Goddard, Waldmeer

They’ll make you think trauma is normal, but we need to heal deeply.

Therapists need trauma. They literally make money from trauma. If you are a therapist and…



Emily Jennings
Mystic Minds

I am here to confirm you're not crazy. Your life has meaning and nothing is an accident. | IG: @wellness_oneness | www.wellnessoneness.com