Christianity | Sexism

Why Women Are Being Ousted from Church Leadership

Stop blaming your sexism, racism, bigotry, and hatred on God

Guy Nave
Mystic Minds
Published in
8 min readJun 20, 2023


Women Consoling with a Woman Pastor | Photo by Photo Pavel Danilyuk via Pexels

We need you “working in our churches… We just don’t need you to be the pastors of our churches.”

This statement is one of the more recent inflammatory comments made by a sexist male church leader.

The largest Protestant denomination in America recently voted to restrict the role of women in ministry by removing women from church leadership.

Rather than getting bogged down with theological questions concerning the merit (or lack thereof) of this decision, I want to spend our brief time together pondering a different question: “What do our beliefs say about us”?

Women are not being ousted from church leadership because God has a problem with their leadership. Their ouster says far more about the men leading the Southern Baptist Convention (SBC) than it does about God.

This decision has nothing to do with God

Those supporting the restriction of female leadership in the church claim to uphold God’s will. They argue that the Bible represents the literal “Word of God” and prohibits women from having authority over men (1



Guy Nave
Mystic Minds

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