Why You Have To Be Alone During Your Spiritual Journey

Understanding the benefits of solitude on your path to spiritual growth

Mystic Minds
3 min readMar 2, 2023


Photo by Josh Gordon on Unsplash

As someone who has gone through my own spiritual journey, I can attest to the fact that it can often be a lonely path. You may find that you’re no longer on the same wavelength as your friends and family and that you’re constantly questioning the beliefs and thought patterns that you’ve held onto for so long.

But here’s the thing: being alone during your spiritual journey is not a bad thing. In fact, it’s an essential part of the process. There are several reasons why this is the case, and understanding them can help you embrace your solitude and make the most of it.

Being alone allows you to break free from the influence of others

We’re all influenced by the society we live in, as well as the people around us. It’s natural to adopt the beliefs and ways of thinking of those we spend time with. But if we want to truly forge our own path, we need to step away from that influence and find our own way. Being alone gives you the space to do that, and to question why you believe what you believe.

Being alone forces you to look within

The answers to all our problems and questions lie within us, but we often ignore them in favor of external distractions. When you’re alone, you have no choice but to confront your innermost thoughts and feelings. It can be a painful process, but it’s also incredibly liberating. You’ll begin to understand yourself in a way that you never have before.

Being alone allows you to reclaim your energy

We all give our energy away to others, whether we realize it or not. Toxic relationships can drain us of our life force, leaving us feeling depleted and unworthy. But when we’re alone, we can begin to take that energy back and learn how to stay in it, no matter what. This is particularly important for empaths, who are especially susceptible to absorbing the energy of others.

Being alone is a sign that you are chosen

Not everyone gets to experience a spiritual awakening in their lifetime. It’s a rare and precious gift and one that you should be grateful for. Yes, the journey can be difficult, but the rewards are immeasurable. You’ll gain a deeper understanding of yourself and the world around you, and you’ll experience a sense of connection to the divine that is truly transformative.

Being alone allows you to realize you were never truly alone

When you deepen your connection to the divine, you’ll come to understand that you are love and that all the validation and happiness you’ve been seeking from others was within you all along. You’ll discover a sense of completeness and self-sufficiency that is truly liberating.

So, if you’re feeling alone on your spiritual journey, know that you’re not alone in that feeling. Embrace your solitude, and trust that it’s an essential part of the process. You’re on the brink of something truly extraordinary, and the universe is conspiring to help you get there.



Mystic Minds

I am a writer and storyteller, writing about life, self-actualization, and work.