Why You Should Cut Cords With People

A guide to your best-feeling self.

Katarzyna Portka
Mystic Minds


Photo by david williams on Unsplash

If you have recently felt blocked and stagnant in your life, this article is for you.

Did you know you can pass your energy on to another person?

In the same way, you also absorb the energy of people you spend time with.

We are energetic beings. We are more than our physical bodies. We create energetic cords and tune into the energy of another. Those cords can either support our development or weigh us down.

Getting selective about our tribe is crucial for our well-being.

The quality of our relationships influences our health, happiness, and success.

Problematic people can be a heavy drag on your happiness.

How do you know it is the time to end some relationships?

You Feel Drained.

Have you noticed how some people leave you feeling emotionally sapped and physically exhausted?

People can be manipulative, jealous, or spiteful. And it has nothing to do with you but how they perceive the world.

Sadly, their behaviour affects your life.

Some people never stop talking. Then there are those who continually test your…



Katarzyna Portka
Mystic Minds

Hungry for advice? I am here for you. I write about small habits that lead to monumental changes.