You Cannot Fool The Soul

The truth about the choices you make are always part of your karma

Emily Jennings
Mystic Minds
Published in
4 min readDec 20, 2021


you cannot fool the soul
Image credit: Canva

You are a soul. The body you animate along with the role you’re playing allow you to make choices, become an individual, and live a life. But essentially, you are an eternal soul. You do all of this to learn. The things you’re learning in this life become part of your karma and they stay with you unless you do something to release them.

Karma is just a word for memory. You have memory in your lifetime that you’re very familiar with — everyday memory. Beyond this, you have soul memory between your lifetimes. Things your soul has learned in the past become part of your karma. The consequences of the actions you’ve taken before will become part of your karma, too.

I’m talking about your inner consequences and your inner learnings — if you become accustomed to walking past people who are asking for money on the street, for instance, then this learned behavior has become a part of your karma. It’s all part of the energy that makes you who you really are.

Another example: maybe you’re annoyed by a coworker. This person keeps getting on your nerves in meetings. You don’t actively do anything to hurt them, but you secretly wish they’d fail. You get some silent satisfaction in their public downfalls. Even though no one at…



Emily Jennings
Mystic Minds

I am here to confirm you're not crazy. Your life has meaning and nothing is an accident. | IG: @wellness_oneness |