Your Destiny Isn’t Set in Stone but Avoiding Your Highest Path Has Consequences

Why Running from Your Soul’s Intentions Is A Bad Idea

Mystic Minds


Photo by Burst on Unsplash

Fate or Free Will

In the age-old discussion of free will versus destiny, you may fall more on the side of those who believe we direct our fate entirely. There is no larger plan, you’d say. There’s just chaos. Randomness. We choose what to do with our lives and things unfold from there.

Or maybe you believe this is all predetermined by some cosmic being in the sky and we get no say in how our lives play out at all. It’s all just a series of inescapable events; like dominoes falling, it’s inevitable.

I’ve landed somewhere in the middle.

I trust in myself as my own highest authority, acknowledging that I am that greater divine intelligence as well as a physical embodiment of it. This means I have the free will to create my reality.

I also have found, on an experiential level, there are things (people, places, creative endeavors) I feel so drawn to, I can’t ignore them. It’s as if I’ve committed to them at a soul level before incarnating down here. Some might call these soul contracts. In my experience, some are particularly hard to break.



Mystic Minds

Deep Diving into Spiritual Awakening, Spiritual Philosophy, Astrology, and Soul Connections